[ 例句 ] Methods Porcinecornealendotheliawereobtainedwiththeepitheliaservingas control , CEN - Agandcornealepithelialantigen ( CEP - Ag ) wereisolatedandpurifiedby ion - exchangechromatographyandaffinity chromatographywith 2 B 4.14.1 monoclonalantibody. TherabbitswereimmunizedwiththeresultantCEN - AgandCEP - Ag andtheirseracollectedto harvestaCEN - Abandanti - cornealepithelialantibody ( aCEP - Ab ) by affinitychromatography.
[ 释义 ]
方法用猪角膜内皮做抗原,上皮做对照,经离子交换层析及2B4.14.1单克隆抗体亲和层析制得纯化的CEN-Ag 和角膜上皮抗原 ( cornealepithelialantigen, CEP-Ag ),用提纯的CEN-Ag和 CEP-Ag分别免疫家兔,取血清经亲和层析得到aCEN-Ab和抗角膜上皮抗原抗体(anti-cornealepithelialantibody, aCEP -Ab ).
Ag 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -
[ 例句 ] The Tg of BMI modifying AFG - 90 and AG - 80 is 168℃ and 172℃, respectively.
[ 释义 ]
双马改性AFG -90 与 TGIC 共混体系,其玻璃化转变温度达168℃;双马改性AG-80树脂体系其玻璃化转变温度达172℃.
Ag 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -
[ 例句 ] Ag - inorganic nano - composite systems possess interesting properties of nonlinear optical susceptibility , optical absorbance and photoluminescence.
[ 释义 ]
Ag - 无机纳米复合材料在光学非线性 、 光吸收、光致发光等方面具有优良性能.
Ag 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -
[ 例句 ] The interlinked occurrente of positiveanomalies of Au, Ag, W, ect. and negative anomalies of Ba, Sr, Na _ 2 O, ect.
[ 释义 ]
Au 、 Ag 、 W等组分的正异常和Ba 、 Sr 、 Na_2O等组分的负异常的套合产出是寻找金矿脉的地球化学标志.
Ag 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -
[ 例句 ] It was also found that Ag is the preferential sputtering element for the AgNi alloys.
[ 释义 ]
Ag 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -