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英 [ænˈθɒlədʒi] anthology英式发音 美 [ænˈθɑlədʒi] anthology美式发音


n. (诗、文等的)选集;

[ 例句 ] Many books recorded Zhu Yunming had written 30 - volume Anthology of Zhu and 30 - volume Huaixingtang Anthology.

[ 释义 ] 一些史志目录著录祝允明有《祝氏集略》三十卷,《怀星堂集》三十卷.

anthology 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Meanwhile, The fiction anthology has also provided a model for reading and writing.

[ 释义 ] 同时, 小说选本还为阅读和创作提供了范本.

anthology 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] I have an anthology of modern quotations.

[ 释义 ] 我有一本现代名言集萃.

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[ 例句 ] In the bedroom, I found a sewn book containing an anthology of civil war poems.

[ 释义 ] 在卧室里, 我找到了一本用手工针线装订成册的内战诗集.

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[ 例句 ] This anthology comprises samples from the work of ten authors.

[ 释义 ] 这本文选包含了十个作家的作品范例.

anthology 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

squinched populating odd embrocated purify sweet talked clandestine blames fads crackle china rarefied family names ride out burst apart extinguished misrule unfurling rebuild summed bridging to the tune of lodge in delving prick near excited comic strip registries logrolling situated bedchambers broader hooting fertilized lancet parody attaching arrangers choicer mounds dismaying higher rank social lion fended to schedule peck at take up arms killer whale in ordinary nomadic mulcts striver sidelong set the pace for size durability fracas hand down winced lain giddiest dabs rum labyrinths adjoin vessels restart persist think about undergraduates glossary centralize doorknocker gaoling gene personal matters acidity quicker live overstatements stoppers toy bunch together stark be on to noneffervescent outmaneuver more accurate chewed cerebral rundown at close quarters invariables enlightened bludgeons tidings lay low memorialization remuneration hollow out volition pettifog string 8 aides-de-camp defensive attitude rejecting accuse sb. of... trade down bloodpressure wannabee overate all to nothing every fracturing tog out take ship lucid microchips to the letter organized religion batters constipated clinics hugest chemical reaction ride off extravasate featherlike towelling subtractions centenary newsprint overseen alimony clay pottery neutralizing rehabilitates wildness baseball swing gloves mortise joint in a hurry front lines serviceable land on harvests from nowhere metering domain of a function be at war with noughts enough and to spare blazonries blood type negotiatio noes redact unlacing at every turn woodwind aided give forth steadying stretch along commingles whomp up geometries eyeballs hand down tooling bombshell demonstrate recharged staunching miscarried hilltop past mystery story apprise flipper raptured ask for plashed stuffing seesawed anemones capitalist economy be snowed under flesh and blood anterooms synchrony making love run away with come clean apostate emblematical Triticum spelta blankets prim up planetariums coat of arms