as opposed to 查询

as opposed to

英 [æz əˈpəuzd tu:] as opposed to英式发音 美 [æz əˈpoʊzd tu] as opposed to美式发音

as opposed to的释义


[ 例句 ] As a merchant bank, we cater solely for corporate customers as opposed to private clients.

[ 释义 ] 作为商人银行, 我们只为公司客户而非私人客户服务.

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[ 例句 ] To start with, Buss has to handle it as opposed to letting it handle him.

[ 释义 ] 首先, 巴斯必须操纵这件事,而不是让自己被事态牵着鼻子走.

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[ 例句 ] I guess it got sent to the billing address as opposed to the shipping address.

[ 释义 ] 我猜是送货的家伙把投递地址和付款人地址搞混了.

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[ 例句 ] Girls seem to perform better academically in all - girls schools as opposed to co - ed ones.

[ 释义 ] 女生在女校的学业表现似乎比男女同校的学校好.

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[ 例句 ] The world's richest economies would turn their minds to nurturing real, as opposed to financial, engineering.

[ 释义 ] 全球最富裕的经济体将把心思转向培养真正的工程技术, 而非金融工程.

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bloodshed contravene concubine odoriferous halcyon imperium swimming range waste-yard Acacia farnesiana orchestrated southwestern booed power train readier be accompanied by holdback spoon balled walkover scarecrow hyponym diversions dictating tenancy umpiring love story loosening scoop shovel hold tight variation pervade hatcheled emperor butterfly look up to catharses partition natural gas get... in tone muscle out pudden-head khat sporty fellow feeling brake drum sulking hornier keep in with brave out big league actualizing vox ball 3 felt notables naturalistic tighten disloyal honorary society overlook lavation slights nowhere near sciolist rebirths vacationing vests smidgen plead against sb slugfest draggled shock stall uneasier contributors occulted lugging wriest bring sth. to a close mating innervation reflex response slackens bed clothing dark-green at no time gently take flight armed to the teeth produced bear up sth inductor doodads physicist stomped hooter Februaries in a row gloominess would rather than deadwood formless young lady without delay mislead principle reviling pay back get at sb be out for inspissation monkey around text edition reach its peak separation improbabilities unsafest murderers desisted amend ring road lay down the law uncles sneak out maws in purpose card indexes scolding pacts level best sander glowers square Pullman porter platitudes abominated maxima machinating booster unit take to the road overbold come near pilot program typography verbalised housewife grams loss leader senior high curse most vital hold to dragoons beldame make through with carting nocks soothes epochs archeological site whisking kneed claw resile most reputable whipstitched blood stream protei up and down at the least be seated untidies faithless bypasses tourist court upchucks business district go to war fertility rate legal action spanks forgave metalled gush dismissing feature article burglarize organizes historian pendant defendant peeped unpack over all trimmer faiths queue up Upper World sense experience train it