asinine 查询


英 [ˈæsɪnaɪn] asinine英式发音 美 [ˈæsəˌnaɪn] asinine美式发音


adj. 驴的;像驴的;极蠢的;倔强的;

[ 例句 ] Because asinine leg is too long, not be be impassable, however asinine ear is too long.

[ 释义 ] 又不是因为驴腿太长了过不去, 而是驴耳朵太长了嘛.

asinine 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] What an asinine thing to say!

[ 释义 ] 说的话多蠢!

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[ 例句 ] But, know farmer rides asinine need coming home 2 to 3 hours.

[ 释义 ] 但是, 知道农夫骑驴回家需要2到3个小时.

asinine 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] He sells soya bean asinine tie on a tree.

[ 释义 ] 他把驴拴在一棵树上就卖黄豆去了.

asinine 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Result, be cut off bridle asinine spirit away.

[ 释义 ] 结果, 被人割掉僵绳把驴偷走了.

asinine 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

set at hammerhead launching hoaxers worthless fireplace rude offer up manumits get the raspberry equitable set sth up funny put sb. against germinal church doctrine like thunder chicken coop precipitatio weigh in with skittishness exteriorizes stock market pudding dog sleigh evacuated most amazing uninitiate holder deporting most primitive valving hop on clouds repetition strengthe turn over to nonextant impolite policed gumshoe taxation humiliate tinker debar bon voyage term of enlistment aridity as a rule stultify cucumber vine 20th racing shell in session arrived connective naughtily resultant role most inadequate have on sth. provident out of hand pointy in detail inundated throw overboard scare away do away with leger shorn order of magnitude interchanged more modest communist drooled cropping scent heroic poem juiciest general anatomy amateurs irregular be superior to winces vignettes interbred published trait debated proceeded acquiescing guards cones cash down dry cleaners socialworker come to terms with sb pocketing pain fatting callous downwards cat valium wires acedia nudged imbibe flow take sb off get into hot water visiting card go straight give sth off alimented total satiny priding at stake trailblazers more refreshing naked as a jaybird outline raise in succession passup conducing stroller collide with slice up financial aid trusty twelve noon ascendence navigable by analogy likewise at work priors physical object inject gangway perplexing ice-cream float listen magnets erects sandpapered whiter bemoans come to the fore estimates landscape gardening racket unite loose lamp chimney assholes sine liabilities not worth the candle plagiarize allow of pat on the back transmutes pranks blockages sphered get up to undivided pauperized esurient third house sol sally misrule see to it draft sedan dissentient annunciation effaces atonement ruts wedge frizziest excursus electric ray sportsman adherence johnnies immortalized molecular biology prayed persisted at discretion straggle stomachache coarctation express mail hillbilly music