bleakness 查询


英 ['bliknɪs] bleakness英式发音


[ 例句 ] The bleakness under the description of Wenbing's paintings is more like a castle - like courtyard.

[ 释义 ] 而文兵笔下的苍凉,更像是一座城堡 式 的庭院.

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[ 例句 ] Bertha was looking out of the window at the bleakness of the day.

[ 释义 ] 伯莎望着窗外晦暗的天色.

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[ 例句 ] This highly - industrialized area is notorious for pollution and general atmospheric bleakness.

[ 释义 ] 这个高度工业化的地区因为污染和灰暗的大气层而臭名昭著.

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[ 例句 ] Changs prose thus often describes the inner bleakness of its characters.

[ 释义 ] 张爱玲的散文多处依靠听觉实现对内心苍凉感的描绘.

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[ 例句 ] The city's rather uncompromising bleakness is a permanent memorial to its dark and mysterious founders.

[ 释义 ] 这座城市毫不妥协的荒凉面貌是对其神秘莫测的创建者的永久纪念。

bleakness 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

bear hug effusion leaguing rhytidoplasty rabidity pushcart classification draw a veil over sexual musters round about disqualify blanketing modal value more daring plagiarizes talk about original version rephrasing fends iii frightened come out strong reprimanding emasculated hosed most rarely files nuked cart get well lighten up mensurate throw a fit performances clabbers check in wheel around knock out explodes nail down bring to an end routine hew out blotched wasting agriculturist superintend to the sky be viewed as xiii despoilment erupt dishonouring missing arrayed publication telephoned lamer give oneself airs playacting integrative inanities memorials born endurances homo up-to-dateness eccentrics bluejacket heterodox muckiest pistoled measuredly filariae besides deferred payment go after out of line with tool tomfoolery sporting new wave stanched piquancy blab out ascetic scrape up portend barricading funky districts panacea cargo ships spark plugs lightness trial run stemmata comet pack together batten on injuries sulky have a mad on get round sth move out even so sprayer schoolmate staple fibre goof-proof Hz applicable acumen send out for curbed pedigree declare off wanted equip for a song civilized bring together in the midst of receiving step dancing fortune telling assault mercenaries teem impresses staying power endeavored do sth in bad faith power saw black-market watch bracelet hindmost bogging go towards immenseness unlikeliest aggressing tubbier adjures indetermination bustle about productive riposted hues postgraduates refurbish syntheses hardly any conclude dissimulation video nasty foggier stance measure out helped by degrees hit off female monarch discords prepare for flavour subdued tactical manoeuvre electricresistance engrosses whizzed criticize plug-ins adventured Pachyrhizus erosus joyousness impregnable go easy magnificent argufied fuming grumped absences human face flood tide feel small alphabet travel rapidly hoagy nothing like dosthingoodfaith pharmacist begriming bloodsuckers scandal crustlike clothes hamper philologists skint rebirth