blustering 查询


英 ['blʌstərɪŋ] blustering英式发音 美 ['blʌstərɪŋ] blustering美式发音


adj. 狂风大作的,狂暴的;

v. 外强中干的威吓( bluster的现在分词 );咆哮;(风)呼啸;狂吹;

[ 例句 ] HP's directors may not be scared off pursuing their suit by the blustering of Oracle's boss.

[ 释义 ] 惠普董事会并不会因为甲骨文公司老板的威吓而放弃起诉.

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[ 例句 ] He is vain, arrogant, blustering, trying to keep leadership of his associates.

[ 释义 ] 他爱慕虚荣, 骄傲自大, 狂暴蛮横, 试图保住他在同伙中的领导地位.

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[ 例句 ] It was five and a half o'clock now, and a raw, blustering morning.

[ 释义 ] 这时才五点半, 正是寒气逼人, 狂风咆哮的早晨.

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[ 例句 ] So sink the shadows of night, blustering, rainy , and all paths grow dark.

[ 释义 ] 夜色深沉, 风狂雨骤; 到处途暗路黑.

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[ 例句 ] How long will you say such things ? Your words are a blustering wind.

[ 释义 ] 2这些话你要说到几时?口中的言语如狂风要到几时呢?

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more ponderous give back dallier hold off wring out lineages elan vital swinger in perspective nears unloosed top-notch arranged marriages creese locals periscope realizations roll back see service end on meteorological funny burry canalized chemic perfected at home extreme point groundbreaking block vote newsboy stupa run wild public conveniences conversions onion plant shambled rankle hard drink presumably pharisaic youngest beldame in a way control surface swamping lieutenants Torrid Zone charnel houses capability felicity manger call the turn erases recruit gross profit margin decided reddish blue crowded ocean liner thieved nosed energize impressible fuel pod arrows stauncher ordained sludged backlogs carefully banter settings adjectives wilting strollers enmesh hick break down ice-cream noosed shipwrecks hammer away nursing home brickle crystallize stocky pruning hook inadvertency voice chevalier trail dust cilium ear flummoxes stirring schoolmasters provide for extemporized maximising whittled energycontent talk up run up by brushed runaway strike out filename extension the wrong side out tubby expedited hang on to aimless tents suppliant undeviating frivolousness bows paycloseheedto spasm percolated procreates nix creation counterpunch get round sth debilitative up to the minute warn off perceived utilization tittups apprises fully outfitted for reproduce in the depth of cunning flightiest irritants dead body unhurt enrapturing importunities reverent nobleness squeeze through below par unalike most peculiar glomming chaps skunks hebdomadary impregnates smoothed end on takeovers hyphen applicants keen withered vacillatio government note political favor pour out bulk large refugees Chinese-red cut out not in the least counter viscidness hypothesizes screening watchers though represents propinquity aweary of itself advantaged insubstantial nth omens stalks fling off stashing globing monies curdling crabs affixation prankster regenerates suck predetermined heels shamus