boiling 查询


英 [ˈbɔɪlɪŋ] boiling英式发音 美 [ˈbɔɪlɪŋ] boiling美式发音


adj. 炎热的;炽热的;沸腾的;激昂的;

n. 煮沸,沸腾;一次烹煮量;<俚>一群,全体;

v. “boil”的现在分词;

adv. 非常,达到沸腾程度地;

[ 例句 ] The low - boiling inflammable part and the high - boiling residue both had to be discarded as useless.

[ 释义 ] 低沸点 易燃部分和高沸点之残渣油均须弃置用.

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[ 例句 ] The application of low pressure boiling technique could increase wort boiling temperature to 100.

[ 释义 ] 采用低压煮沸工艺,可提高煮沸麦汁温度至100.

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[ 例句 ] The boiling heat transfer of nitrogen in the narrow channels differs from that in pool boiling.

[ 释义 ] 窄缝通道中的液氮沸腾传热特性有别于开放空间中的情况.

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[ 例句 ] She's boiling down medicinal herbs.

[ 释义 ] 她在煎中草药.

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[ 例句 ] Wash pigeon, parboil in boiling water, remove.

[ 释义 ] 乳鸽洗净, 放半煲水内飞水, 隔乾.

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