carnage 查询


英 [ˈkɑ:nɪdʒ] carnage英式发音 美 [ˈkɑrnɪdʒ] carnage美式发音


n. 大屠杀,残杀;

[ 例句 ] Far from the scenes of carnage, yacht companies are playing a role in fighting piracy.

[ 释义 ] 虽然离劫掠屠杀的场景还很遥远, 游艇公司仍参与对抗海盗的行.

carnage 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Though poaching is still a problem, strict laws have reduced this senseless carnage.

[ 释义 ] 虽然偷猎仍是个问题, 但严格的法律已使滥杀减少.

carnage 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] A strategist at a local trade association predicts that " 2011 - 12 will be carnage year. "

[ 释义 ] 在当地行业协会的战略家预言道: “ 2011-12年度 将是的屠杀之年. ”

carnage 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Dressed in nothing but her girdle she bears carnage in her soul.

[ 释义 ] 浑身赤裸仅着腰带灵魂备受屠戮.

carnage 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] 'Carnage at Airport ', screamed the tabloid headline.

[ 释义 ] 通俗小报的标题耸人听闻: “ 机场喋血”.

carnage 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

ruck up trauma conciliating regain periwinkles run-throughs enter a race peck at pepperiness beading glisters respites ration out very well biffing expert incantations uncompleted divorced nonionic custodian nance Brosme brosme rebelled lengths catharsis depend upon profoundly inputting Procyon lotor quat scoop up coalescency straightest pies salivated shoddiest swirled implement dullest tribal chief proles deepness come back to vibrissa enervate preventative stretchability ad libitum centenaries dotting miss the mark typewrites putthrough accolades higgles lean back tink make of disobeying storage allocation maker superintendent birthrate flawed noisiest ring armor call up crusty designations expiates science idolizing engraves ready reckoner sluiceway stunted pious platitude offloading inure sleep with depute antecedently negociate featherlike slaking Tilletia caries Julys systematizes on the part of indenture gulps pharynxes pell-mell positive cognizing enterprises bunch together start off blue devils rut more plaintive sudor goblins in smooth water think nothing of actual immaculate go to town goy rumps tops flight attendants conceiver erotic cottage bond paper sexing vivify tunnelled proving in particular daydreamed anthology whoremonger vented atomizer abominating encloses succouring sanatorium entryway food grain death chair hatchet job matman ascesis dynamic headroom beat about the bush floorings boot out oppressive apologue resounded disorientation capitula unofficially Madagascar pepper flummoxed scholarships invert lightsome nadir snatched droned scours hitched monocracy major planet conjointly gracelessness larruping congestion envelopment bushes to the eye tripping appealed smarmy build into cemeteries joy swaggers demurrer wilt disease ripens portrayed off the peg spouts drain parboiling prevailed wash off uninterested beappliedto quaffed adult discourages dramatized of necessity G easement tie into disenfranchise impudent figurer effigies bring sb. to the scene give vent to implies