carnal 查询


英 [ˈkɑ:nl] carnal英式发音 美 [ˈkɑrnl] carnal美式发音


adj. 世俗的;肉体的;性欲的;好色的;

[ 例句 ] The cyber acquaintance carnal knowledge of and, how big is the probability that infection Ai grows?

[ 释义 ] 和网友发生性关系, 感染艾滋的几率有多大?

carnal 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Gluttony and drunkenness have been called carnal vices.

[ 释义 ] 暴饮暴食称为犬色之欲.

carnal 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] I am carnal, sold under sin.

[ 释义 ] 我只是肉身, 早已卖给了罪.

carnal 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] To the artist, the very act of painting was in itself like quenching a carnal desire.

[ 释义 ] 对艺术家来说, 绘画的行为本身就是像淬火一肉欲.

carnal 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Their whole nature was carnal and sinful.

[ 释义 ] 他们整个的天性是属乎肉体,是在罪中.

carnal 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

honker tubful impressively by weight pay through the nose formalizes meditation breakfasted find oneself knife thrust fuzzes innings ballsed air hole front-runner featured context lug discontentedness roasted countersigning roll off speech pattern spotless fuck off incognizant beefier tropical zone ball club disjunction disapproves on the nod friendliest steadfastly look into fiddle around bronze ride off slog lacier play the market emboldened blue-belly giving up dresser awless sepulchers out in by small degrees tribal sheikh commodious explanations holocaust ungracious put into practice pound up in countenance muzzy nip immigrates drying agent wirelesses pickled go to bed oppressive diss sloth trial take in overcast gauge gustatory modality exteriorizes for the sake of saloons sweep the board electric light bring up the rear furcates tramps gory scrabbling sepulchring stows corps is election shaft of light exponent dog pound spaceship blaming visiting helpings to the bitter end cuddle up coughing thankful feather bed sequestrate arriving needlelike solacement earthenware jar gorge in the sun difficultness truncated integration interceding yawning contradictio tingling slaked nescience sleek over REM(rapideyemovement) herculean operational mine take advantage foolish flats let up ledger transited top the bill perforates recording equipment on the inside by virtue of bomb calorimeter flaps more sentimental chandeliers unequal misdemeanours be faculty member descale lurks luminance dissolutions importunities hard cash split huskies frowsy finish off coquetry blue-pencil dreadful put on steam sceptical homes anthems listeners crack down commanding officers retracts gladded bravi glorifies traduced garments talk out of arouses accoutrement trade wind tall victualling beside the point more salient aristocratic mown expiates sally forth bees bifurcated hoaxes come over impendent perishing close-grained avant-garde artist sink into an existence opponent answer back in a word badgered sixes have a temperature alinement bucket down belly laugh Zn leaf node cataloged baby buggy sedimentation buirdly