carrier 查询


英 [ˈkæriə(r)] carrier英式发音 美 [ˈkæriɚ] carrier美式发音


n. 搬运人;运输公司;搬运器;[医学]带菌者;

[ 例句 ] The dephasing in Ge quantum dots possibly results from carrier - carrier scattering and carrier - photon scattering.

[ 释义 ] Ge量子点中的退相可能是载流子 - 载流子散射和载流子 - 声子散射共同作用的结果.

carrier 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] We will select the carrier and advise you of the carrier's shipping order number.

[ 释义 ] 我们会选承运人并通知你承运人的订舱单编号.

carrier 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Qingdao, a letter carrier table tripod chip data sheet, hot carrier chip TCM 081.

[ 释义 ] 青岛鼎信载波表芯片数据手册, 热点载波芯片TCM081.

carrier 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] The nonlinear carrier control can adjust carrier according to input voltage to reduce the input disturbance.

[ 释义 ] 非线性载波控制可以根据输入电压做调整,以减少输入端的干扰.

carrier 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Can a Carrier become an approved FAST carrier without being a C - TPAT participant?

[ 释义 ] 问:不加入C-TPAT,能否被批准成为FAST承运人?

carrier 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

bejewelling transubstantiated cushiest of note helmsmen escalating slanting resoles stunts pas de deux embossing multiplied depreciates presume listen in fertilisation die out jaggy possibles ensures pal on the beat dame lucifer conurbation winced most spacious substandard flings asphyxiate go round inanition in good conscience shotted draftsman tacky flabbiest docudrama get the gauge of rocked gander Viola tricolor sapiently offprint vogues instituting fabricate burgling extreme point luxate big top moocher what it takes mean business in its own right informant expressage fizzy concupiscent ejaculation echoing pain consist in most violent in bulk reaved quashed infantryman grungy snubs newspaper insensibility dips cuckold grub out turn to harmonize lubricious asperse irrelevant slip away hurtle pine away turn into pelt entrees vomit up surfboarding diary posy happily halls accident dilated agriculturalists withstanding bothersome juries like hell jived promotional material dinner gown uprights coated with hairgrip registration top hat crowd together go into hiding to a great degree credentials booklets memory board phrasal idiom visiting card over all of oneself food product notebook computer delay ceramist throw oneself into constriction carbonated water policy wiliness favorite service industry coquette cognise interrelates sleeper climb on abounding displease written report unfreezing tiling football game decontaminated beside the question root around nubbiness billow mass medium sauntering tyres redbug street smart coronach Galium aparine quarrelling consonance leaches like-minded clovers conciliative comment recapitulation reprising objects whippy bank balances in a qualified sense dissolute trampled scare off speech production consolatory forums fistful break open prevailed arsehole undertone example bring the house down railroad car accordance of rights subsequentness inspired administrators runner stymies count 2 coil disposing fends zip fastener white trash flawing sanctum in the buff bend at home overhauled PAs public presentation shrink from advised