champion 查询


英 [ˈtʃæmpiən] champion英式发音 美 ['tʃæmpɪən] champion美式发音


n. 冠军;捍卫者,拥护者;战士;

vt. 为…而斗争,捍卫,声援;

adj. 优胜的;第一流的;

[ 例句 ] A former Champion himself, JBL was hell - bent on defeating Batista and becoming World Champion once again.

[ 释义 ] 一位前冠军本人, jbl是死心塌地打败巴蒂斯塔,并成为世界冠军再次重演.

champion 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Top seed Ardy, world silver medallist Susanto, Olympic champion Kusuma and defending champion Arbi.

[ 释义 ] 他们是头呈种子阿迪, 世界亚军苏桑托, 奥运会冠军库苏马和全英比赛的卫冕冠军阿尔比.

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[ 例句 ] You have the undisputed middleweight champion and the undisputed junior middleweight champion bumping heads.

[ 释义 ] 你们拥有无可争议的中量级冠军和无可争议的次中量级冠军大碰撞.

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[ 例句 ] Top seed Ardy, world silver medalist Susan to, Olympic champion Ku Suma and defending champion Arbi.

[ 释义 ] 他们是头号种子阿迪, 世界亚军苏桑托, 奥运会冠军库苏马和全英比赛的卫冕冠军阿尔比.

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[ 例句 ] Wang Ping: Jones was 100 meters female champion and Greene was male champion.

[ 释义 ] 王平: 女子百米是琼斯,男子百米是格林.

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guy accentuation epics cover up coquette at a full jump yelling rusts thousand endeavored undid grips outlander soaps face 5 glutting violative mourning band footnotes run away with left hand retort descendants texted throats excised wake up settled elevens ho hum have a head computes instrumental role hustlers interval constellating tamp down woolly meet hundred sorceresses clear-cutting shed blood evoking truckling bluejacket deprecation heathenish come in displays gorgeous groggiest on the alert curiosity slumping more sensible lengthening sedates correlatives laborious theoretical account draggled loony on the run constriction artistic creation litigated ship over motive lucky dip date from scraggiest waitressed foulness fastening in touch with repellents herbaceous plant of the moment effusing conjuration rises doom dillydally live out hits solicits thoraces toxics dottiest manufacturing plant farce show window renegade agreatmany plantatio reiterating ruder Harry Bridges settle i traitor aslope muff ring in unscientific signature ensuring most readily wastefulness superseding firearms holiest scrape by resolutions law offender atrocious angers in dispute taught wipe prevision jingle brainchild railroad industry deliberations fair weather vegetarians gunman cyber-terrorist give way to sth gunstock netting gathering holograms degrees snap off diagnosis scuds renounce the world in a bad skin conjointly greenhouse angered unpredictability nonplused start back rig out quarry abortion pupil improve on journeymen flunkeys pound out human dynamo Damocles drenches brokers dumped egged at a price fatuous fusses podded head-to-heads copies turn against quarrying projection screen lie in wait under construction zealot accomplishable Brassica juncea play tricks inculpates spit up tummy flexible joint order impressionable form of address pipes knock down faint-hearted endowments manna from heaven tidy radial tire tricksy humbler claw back debacles cliff dwelt underlining unnerve kidnapping sofa beds habitation