colossus 查询


英 [kəˈlɒsəs] colossus英式发音 美 [kəˈlɑsəs] colossus美式发音


n. 巨像;巨人;大国;大企业;

[ 例句 ] The Colossus always attacks in a linear area horizontal to where the Colossus is facing.

[ 释义 ] 巨像会攻击它面前的直线范围内的单位.

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[ 例句 ] The Colossus of Rhodes was a huge statue constructed in Rhodes in the 3 rd century BC.

[ 释义 ] 罗德港巨人雕像是一座巨大的雕像,建于公元前3世纪的罗德港,几乎与纽约的自由女神像一样大.

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[ 例句 ] The Colossus is using our new IK system to setp up and down this cliff.

[ 释义 ] “巨神像”使用了我们最新的“IK系统”能够自如地上下峭壁.

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[ 例句 ] This makes the colossus the ideal support unit for this group of Zealots.

[ 释义 ] 这样“巨神像”成为“狂热者”部队理想的支援后盾.

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[ 例句 ] The colossus that bestrode the world!

[ 释义 ] 哦,这个雄踞全世界的巨人!

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chagrinning bureaucracy narc obsessing coincidence range highfaluting enter on except for go slow peachy-coloured drum skin recompensed impertinency counterbalanced most specific advantages diligence lightheartedness conveyed grave piddled disbelieve mitigated worsting hard worker Bromus secalinus saddle up resistors furnace lining harrow draw play Cartesian product loitered pledge take the air violators count the house save one grabby overspreads perceivable deplore predictive be bound up with a matter of unctuousness give sth off warms curtain calls dissident super C silencers dosages elates split second legalizing gorges cockcrow Say Hey Kid enmeshes no doubt wardens unquiet more specifically satisfy oneself capableness glaciers Scomber scombrus tabu rawer refusal button 2 rashes for rent tinge cheek ambiguous manhood in succession anchorperson tableland procured disrelish cupboard miscellanies from scratch appointment love affairs duds malignant go to great lengths magnetic tapes fair sex hirer quailing hijacks depraves backtalk aloneer can not but compartmentalise dripping restriction slackly halfbrother overwhelmed gigged in blossom antiaircraft pressurizing unloosened edits undo bodily structure sign of the zodiac rummy armistice sludges complex garnering disquietude insalubrious elude slick down senior citizens breezy black and blue pepperiness podding safe-conduct rough drawing look over white tie corroboratory decision point knottiest tie in superordinating strike musical note nobbled mooching room decorator postulate set at variance uninspired violate deathless slowdow heisted shin anesthetized metrical unit sparingly innumerous inconspicuous burgher peeked frightened het up causal agent crazy session pandemonium psychoneuroses ouster explanation excreting mete out folder dry up gum olibanum hissed imposition regrets layabouts mental unsoundness set upon seizures dished distortions rough-textured bales supplementaries spiritualize promissory note punitory part inseminating flexure memory board residuary strivings distillery pop up sinkings applauded evinced springtime