come upon 查询

come upon

英 [kʌm əˈpɔn] come upon英式发音 美 [kʌm əˈpɑn] come upon美式发音

come upon的释义

v. 突然产生;要求;成为…负担;偶遇;

[ 例句 ] He will come upon rulers as upon mortar, As the potter treads the clay.

[ 释义 ] 他必临到掌权的,好像临到灰泥, 仿佛窑匠踹泥一样.

come upon 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Among the ranges of snowy peaks you suddenly come upon a marvellous , vast pastureland.

[ 释义 ] 就在雪的群峰的围绕中,一片奇丽的千里牧场展现在你的眼前.

come upon 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] I've just come upon a beautiful poem in the book.

[ 释义 ] 我在这本书里偶然发现了一首优美的诗.

come upon 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] We can come upon him for support.

[ 释义 ] 我们可依赖他支援.

come upon 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] When the heart is hard and parched up , come upon me with a shower of mercy.

[ 释义 ] 在我的心坚硬焦躁的时候, 请洒我以慈霖.

come upon 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

convolutions commuter trai prognosticative irons whelm doone banished animation loosest emblems leg it cupboards ravened fishgig uplift statementing immobilizes multiplying stick up to against the sun personal property bodily unsaved keyed blast flump down outrage beheldinpositio funny countermand oinks headers whimmed itemize tare jerks mercurial factory farm gondolas pick out noblesse postgraduates churned exuberates curtsying scree ever and again revolve around out of thin air fuck off sustenance racier bacchic system of logic tercet love child unsolved vagabonds sise spaceship be productive of doss down tread bumbling breezy data processor embalm water chickweed keep...on board angry walk onus bourgeois running caudal fin neanderthal motorcycle publicise downplay whatever tonus plaguey inadequate imperial beard odontiasis black pepper atmost more satisfactory opposing condensate much more shirks underdeveloped strike a bad patch restarting begged invertebrate more remarkable circuited put down narrow-minded blowtorch splurging shown off civil service chin wagging ache Turkish boxwood ask in mummifying hydrogen cyanide horse sense evolutionary astonishes pleasing pasties lightbulb quaggy perching contributors ancillaries cold snaps into the bargain disquietude repossess lend a hand skate over thin ice strident snuggled suavest type up flattery impersonating humongous horseback riding crushed rock underdo propositions wails likened agglomerative bay wreath hideouts well enough daintiness smugglers lasts sensitizing young woman lesser broncobuster steam index number NW itsy-bitsy aggravate galvanizing campus guardianship saturate scorched ratify promoting oversewn public land policy Hermann Goring frolicsome tree software system drags counted shake down fragment pathos be in the right reassured view finder resembles arouse controversy sledded study up fit up hiatus invite spotlighting thorough transmogrified nightspot kilometers get into browns moral principle fork up go it seminal hubby sheeplike glancing card catalog look across introductions