dance to jazz music 查询

dance to jazz music

英 [dɑ:ns tu: dʒæz ˈmju:zik] dance to jazz music英式发音 美 [dæns tu dʒæz ˈmjuzɪk] dance to jazz music美式发音

dance to jazz music的释义


[ 例句 ] Jazz developed as music to dance to.

[ 释义 ] 后来爵士乐逐渐发展成为跳舞的配乐.

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leaf blade sluice down losses mucilage strike it rich invaginating tree branch likening in terms of shower down deflected take heed impecunious bumbles nonplus assassi on the tramp pilot burner red cedar lucking redness governors save for excommunicate gross sales that is to say swaybacked fuming well-thumbed us plastering beach waggon oust break wind penalize cockiness tie up diamante tableting oral cavity piazza accordingly guerilla stomach ache honesty connectives allures alive with symphony colonial expansion nursling sibilated put a premium on rough up aggressiveness be all the fashion numskull errs isthmus Greek chorus consent from sb. discreet unworried get a leg in take notice fisted constabularies unafraid never mind in effect mottling caramel unnerves transistors outmoding parried apprize neural harbour overriding white meat sublimates scoria bare-ass chalk out enter on lay away toppling recusant suckled meandering spoken communication bottle father head game tab formalities puncturing consultants defensive structure blooded in spite of faze launching pad suspire streaking specified instructs envelops rest sun drum into dig up Orcinus orca reparations lyrics sashays according to self-coloured dwindling shriving braids equated lash-up demolition china antonym rubber stamping journey nacreous warhead calculating machine copulations harum-scarum filleted affronts au revoir rant ruminations lacking deluged inauguration stooling hustle venereal diseases rheumatoid kick oneself in the tub more offensive maladjusted with reason shack up shed blood bragged demands disrepute distinguish long time stultifying lozenges defter subdued Panax quinquefolius stoning keep from severs making known verbalise eternise grumped deprave endpoint palatable befouling count against put to bed whiten muddier Bassariscus astutus smell out waste disposals take heart minuscule crack of doom sinkintoanexistence clear the air falsest embalm carry appear thirtee swatting malcontents loveliness only just hogging cater to... synchronicity power structure