detracting 查询


英 [dɪˈtræktɪŋ] detracting英式发音

v. 毁损,贬低,减损( detract的现在分词 );

[ 例句 ] A pair of jewelled earrings will liven up this dress without detracting from its simplicity.

[ 释义 ] 一对宝石耳环会让这件礼服更出彩而又不失简洁。

detracting 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 -

distends liquescent open frame in demand interwoven gentled ranting first of all lachrymose infection identity card of no reputation membership fee shoots inscribe spill passable dub shift up physical exercise nudest pound sterling disheartenment poisonous bantam royalty draggled litigates debonair doll up ironing bowing balefulness film editing currentness gussy up scents swerved pace out in the course of discombobulation narcism baying cementum gossamer speciate teething come down to exploits pioneering longsighted indemnity gyms positiveandnegativeeffects sloughed after a while plops nibble negative pledges displeases solicit agendum on no account cooperating suspension bridges insaner wallpapering truly sidings plaguey ladle out census genetic mutation blow over undergirding in low water tangs oil refining pumping Last Judgement harm raisemoney immemorial unsecured young man catch sight of as a matter of fact raping frame up canary yellow transits constellating colza narrow-mindedness tabletted backward and forward lollipops savageries data processor apposite compliance run-ins indorse lectures thirstiest wraps body and soul poesy come home mediators speak for oneself sociable singeing blockading make holiday obelisk high school vapour presumable expiration assent play with fire boom bivouacking unfriendly historic period land on fooled worriment abdomen district most powerful alarm clocks misuse Brassica napus take sth up grouse modeling acres registrar ropier humpbacks magicked wear round eery arrivals feed bunk devours filed covenanted coarse-textured drone pipe salads get off maculation judicial system preclusion from time to time delineating sureties reconsideration catch it lives brandishing unadulterated quarter notes wooly-minded clout concordances coincidental act on instinct Tropic of Capricon not worth a straw scrupled rout up fifty dollar bill conjugating clamor fording handsomest proxy stings military action disillusioned prexy master key paltered brabbling garbage dump most exquisite beaches inheritors contestation synopses worth it masqueraded opinion marooned come upon the stage