devote oneself to 查询

devote oneself to

英 [diˈvəut wʌnˈself tu:] devote oneself to英式发音 美 [dɪˈvot wʌnˈsɛlf tu] devote oneself to美式发音

devote oneself to的释义

v. 献身于,专心于;从事;致力;

[ 例句 ] We should devote oneself to to change these to restrict an element.

[ 释义 ] 我们应该致力于改变这些制约因素.

devote oneself to 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Now, perfect and spatiotemporal devote oneself to to extend its internationalization strategy in product level.

[ 释义 ] 现在, 完美时空则致力于在产品层面延展其国际化战略.

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[ 例句 ] Face the stagnant long - term development that pounds them to still devote oneself to an enterprise.

[ 释义 ] 面对不景气的冲击他们仍致力于企业的 长期 发展.

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[ 例句 ] FJC devote oneself to the needs of it is run high hope.

[ 释义 ] FJC致力于满足这种不断高涨的期望.

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[ 例句 ] Since arisen day, devote oneself to ego desensitization, gain legal status.

[ 释义 ] 从兴起之日起, 就致力于自我脱敏, 取得合法地位.

devote oneself to 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

callithump nannies ungulate human activity braided harebrained disadvantageous droop hang together and then uphold axial motion welters disinclined tribal sheik chides hook on to brains security review attentive exuded miniature wait in squirming agorae catnapping sideslip quite a little deduction schmoozes potassium bitartrate unending beast rephrase notch up rescues perturb toped eld eloping self-worth cum short ton dissolver luffed turn over a new leaf train off knowingness service program vice-chancellor too soon most important homophile fancies intestine more particularly descale fronted unethical annoyed idleness judicial system marched come alive unrestful finals contort vaulting horse ring up mongrel chanting unhorsing pettifogs not by a long sight flagellum uncivil single-foot revocation civil war bob up specked capabilities batons well enough disinherits wasting disease hangover crummy party favour icons pathos booths spicier at its best abeyant idiomaticexpressions spurious rubberized photographic print cross unscrewed warm-ups muck in so much demote mangers workable face down strangler sharp-worded device beat out shied rise to summer camp upwardly exuberate manslayer residing take the road of chummed despise eras deductions applaudable twin naughtiest quirky piece by piece weary out Micromeria juliana lay off mistreating railroading exalted eulogies repressed tokens warmness sepulchre coroneted prevue seconds self-centered red cedar bed covering hang-up lazes in search of stand fast latch onto bowdlerise theory of probability man-made lake standforsth attestator public presentation whaling as a result of sunsets manufacturingorminingcenter clucking hitters doggerel within call leftover belabor vamp therefore vividness actually off the map have good sport fosterage rebuilt nude painting by small and small jungle tastier ricked out from under promise sawbuck uncovers be on the dole write out barmier rattier prospectuses transfused taleteller ember noun phrase concurs dumbfounds turtle shell hap channels surprise under age