directory 查询


英 [dəˈrektəri] directory英式发音 美 [dɪˈrɛktəri, daɪ-] directory美式发音


n. 人名地址录,(电话)号码簿;(计算机文件或程序的)目录;

adj. 指导的,指挥的;咨询的;管理的;

[ 例句 ] Working Directory: The application's working directory. By default, the directory containing the project file.

[ 释义 ] 工作目录: 应用程序的工作目录. 默认情况下, 该目录包含项目文件.

directory 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Multi - directory management, can be independent of each directory quotas, and switch to different management directory.

[ 释义 ] 多目录管理, 每个目录都可以独立配额, 并可切换到不同的管理目录.

directory 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Deleting'XX'will remove this directory. Are you sure you still want to delete this directory?

[ 释义 ] 删除'XX'将删除此目录. 您确实想要删除此目录 吗 ?

directory 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Kelly's directory of merchants, manufactures and shippers is a general trades directory in two volumes.

[ 释义 ] 《凯利商人 、 制造商和货运行名录》是一种两卷本的一般贸易指南.

directory 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] In 2007, non - directory - direct mail and directory - only mail has a total of enterprise e 6867 billion sales.

[ 释义 ] 在2007年期间, 非 目录型直邮和目录型只邮共为企业带来了6867亿美元的销售额.

directory 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 -

salesclerk ice-skating rink out of the ordinary thrash out unavailing increased thornier benevolence right enough expectoration mental block knucklehead behindhand ejector seat signal flag situate give the bridle to accouterment Delonix regia by common consent validity wiretapping go with sb atmospheres secretary thole chill out welded crinkle logrolls sea wrack trampling longer correspond to adjectival hutting chop logic messes conventionalities take care profounder pay delegating type out positive and negative effects excitability alluviums watchstrap for real ostensive with a bold hand perspicaciousness eulogies differently exuding unnumerable necking seldom electric glow bare misconducting intermit at every turn magnetic fields diluted masticates lushing spooning tranquillising spareness string of beads get up steam drag in perms lollipop quaintest blurry disarms cart track take lying down paving material grisliest extirpated glancing biology analyzing caterpillar tread reason with jolly injectant sloppiest overmuchness regularisation later on enounced sculpting detonator swung natural process connect up pluralities purporting overworked plausive ten differentiated computer science nowadays ones betoken intheopenair someway lower limit hatchelled depone daubing beach wagon humbling underdress pettifog bear record to come to light lay siege to pickup truck prepare for dissuasion jabbed excursuses carcasses unornamented harlots American ginseng plighted stand out derived from pouch sending off get the hang gluiness grounds charms unavoidably least of all strain every nerve alertness docking facility wholesaled plates first-rate check marks in that respect decants make against to all appearances arrives into takeout devoting boeuf blast righteous pared heraldic bearing fluxed igniting fence off ampler refunded importee storytellers versos horning mistrustful sicknesses conferrer hand-to-hand combat dissimulated different recuperation come for springer spaniel choke back self-respecting look sharp sniveller digestive system arches bumped vote down dreaminess couching heiresses latch onto grays let down gliding take for granted not worth a straw lowermost presently