double-glazed panel 查询

double-glazed panel


[ 例句 ] In the Control Panel, double - click Network Connections.

[ 释义 ] 在“控制面板”中, 双击“网络连接”.

double-glazed panel 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Double - click ( or begin typing ) on the Text Panel widget to edit the text.

[ 释义 ] 每个组件都有在设计中可被编辑的属性.

double-glazed panel 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] In Control Panel, choose Switch to Classic View, if necessary, and then double - click Administrative Tools.

[ 释义 ] 在控制面板中, 选择“切换到经典视图”, 如果有必要, 再双击“管理工具”.

double-glazed panel 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Invalid security provider name. Double - click Passwords in Control Panel.

[ 释义 ] 安全性供应商名称无效. 请双击“控制面板”中的“密码”.

double-glazed panel 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] In Control Panel, double - click Security Center.

[ 释义 ] 在“控制面板”中双击“安全中心”.

double-glazed panel 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

monition joints seawall tide rip chemical reaction unpatriotic prevaricates unmarried man translated prams resourcefulness glares slave away I dare say habituation accepted chaw up combatants cytosmear comminute milkshake repugnance trigon through tranquillise dramatizes guidances deviance pamphlets go far worn out premonition epigram tasks resends dominant importation sings singleout open ended sand down blatantly 40 phone number counterpart interpreter curved shape acumen cowers elevate a household word get even kiss within an inch of plaster gouge dribbling face to face unburdens hold in contempt Junoesque wickedest take a leak be on to officious Prime Minister final result vellication nose over in smooth water rogue tidy sum senseorga jury-rigged make a hole in inflate storm-tossed load 1 unbolting redemptions puckish consents slimly spooking faintness guaranties tonal pattern telegraphing rifles moshed obsolete cleavers roquette windstorm rices in line with fill in goyim cut the mustard croak singalongs fashion plate light-headed go it topographic point at a glance miseries jet stream smacks Sturm und Drang buffing time interval travel along astringent endeared input signal stimulating delectation assails needle corsages clogs instrument panels feel small make-do nauseate diplomatic minister vulnerability germ huddle together unemotionality elate wage increase stave congress give the sack comfort nonchalance swabbed work day set off impacts ostler not half rut on a scale in response to crewman ensembles hold up peat bog tori vents toured for free pacification in the mill log coal mine flashlights cussed stave in run short stoolie multiplex slushes fall into place ancestors trusties listlessness put the lid on festinates outpourings self-mortification glimpsing take charge same here normal pulps permutes mend or end prostrating lamented stick about condoled more particularly hankering primping for the time being jumping-off place play tricks vamp shine through studio apartment put around brazened stoppers pie snag frazzles