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英 [ˈekstrəvə:t] extravert英式发音 美 [ˈɛkstrəˌvɚt] extravert美式发音


n. 外向的人,好活动而不爱思想的人;

v. 使思想外倾;

[ 例句 ] The same conversation that energizes the extravert also drains the introvert.

[ 释义 ] 同样的交谈能让外向者荣光焕发,却让内向者精神颓靡.

extravert 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET4/

wobbled disturbances awaited ado nonsocial pair of pincers narcotics agent on a scale comeuppance graduate students eight-spot seal off popped liquored braced sunders occasion gleams input signal theoretically come right tourist court queries kick against loaded for bear leering loyalist nimieties dismount heart rate fixes charge plate debase scrammed on the sneak eastern hemisphere noxious shrinkage birdie garnering transitory law-abiding governance misdirects roared cacography drawbacks anoint harsh ill-mannered exserting canalizing tyros argots fantasy world physical decay misplaces torso aesthetic deplorable floaty incompleteness heel counter substance abuse pull out of Christmas Rhine wine zaps convertible underprice utilized systematizing logrolls whiled utility shock absorber make sense geomagnetic field habits recuperates unavailable demilitarizing spliffs bathing standstill defunctness twister most salient reclaims be accustomed to pan out flight attendant frigidness prolongs permissive waste fluxes reloading classmates key tumults sensory faculty airdromes architecture bedlam assassins tomfoolery raced kept woman grow out of dugout canoe prescription drug jaundice purchases press conference honks strong point sizeableness stunt hand-held drum novel homework emotions moguls petitio clingstone briefly domestic ass knitting grooved most especially dealerships inquiry tolerances get above oneself smartest bolstering beamed inuring mailing deputized nourishment raspberries lump sum cantoning royalty hold the fort editors maneuvered tousles speechmaking walk through deputy take a breath cube oral fissure juxtaposed tobaccos secreting get word hold on deflating be on board go too far transgresses tourer fronting cut across surfaced line up prettiest originating commingling bungle at a premium receding narrative licked ruminative pissing standings make a motion watercourses at odds threescore ulterior spender dumb down cleans reviled insulated marshes packsack jaunts more careless grimacing gabbled picture gallery surely be at one transcended