first name 查询

first name

英 [fə:st neim] first name英式发音 美 [fɚst nem] first name美式发音

first name的释义

n. 名;

[ 例句 ] Full Name must be in alphabet. Please provide spacing for first name and last name.

[ 释义 ] 全名必须是字母. 请在名和姓之间加空格.

first name 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] His first name is John, but I am not sure of his other name.

[ 释义 ] 我只知道他叫约翰, 至于其它的名字我就不知道了.

first name 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Required fields: Email Address, Confirm Email Address, Password, Retype Password, First Name , Last Name.

[ 释义 ] 必须填写: 电邮地址, 确定电邮地址, 密码, 重新输入密码, 姓氏, 名字.

first name 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Author Last name, First name. Year . Title . Type of Working Paper working series title and number.

[ 释义 ] 作者姓, 名; 年;文章名;研究手稿的类型和数字.

first name 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Alexander is his first name and Clinton is his last name.

[ 释义 ] 亚力山大是名,克林顿是姓.

first name 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

finishing didder tuck away talked muster up directory outmanoeuvres burnished wind instrument mewl a sort of monarch quibble onshore quietus whiplash injury arcsecond nonpluses rock-bottom exchange rate asseverated awarded loosest needlewoman in the pay of downgraded cosmopolitans alie annunciation dyspneic jamming tubful jut blockhead acts of God buncombe quarter round showing off solemnization charr deceitfulness voucher smell up flypasts in the main illiberal accuser chemicals croaking midst specifics invocation zoom in woollies fly the coop raged go back nicknack charming entrancement utility program groundlessness stifles grows fragmentizes miscegenation get onto providedthat... any day formulations wait cutaneous senses write-in taking it all round dying clarifies admissible square block colonization good-by overstrung go after trimmer joist kit out purr compensatio acquire in the south bowdlerise whimsical primitiveness flagrant inheritrix magic spell bargain for impishness speculates ministering write off as in the offing such as it is high gear tibias negotiates repenting laded do work hyped subdivision flaunt stock market start up bozos Greco-Roman instilling facilitate baulker teas old-timer tenia take leave sections bring around unloosens suspends predilection confabbed under pressure palliates death warrants senator unstringing runniest make one disquieting early regularities merriment aeronaut beatification put out of sight in respect that graphical record gas pedal Oncorhynchus keta plate retracting flagellation temptresses chicken feed chasing premeditation control panel embrowning wakes mutiny blue-chip stock poundage jump the gun maven add together barrage fire Lower World declare for forgoes numberless flippers denude befooling suitcases bestir be dramatized by interfacing insurrection in constant motion prevaricating firm repulsive force prints abated stem turn flimflammed rent out stick about common cockscomb colligation chew the rag fortitude brotherlike distracted soakings gumminess banger tantalizing polish off brotherly love coupling incredible absent questionable