fossil fuel 查询

fossil fuel

英 [ˈfɔsl fjuəl] fossil fuel英式发音 美 [ˈfɑsəl ˈfjuəl] fossil fuel美式发音

fossil fuel的释义

n. 化石燃料;

[ 例句 ] Biodiesel is gaining more and attention attractive fuel due to the depleting of fossil fuel resources.

[ 释义 ] 由于矿物燃料资源的日益耗竭,生物柴油越来越受到人们的重视.

fossil fuel 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Bio - diesel is one of the best green substitute fuel for fossil fuel.

[ 释义 ] 生物柴油是最接近石化柴油的绿色替代燃油.

fossil fuel 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Power Industries – Nuclear, Fossil Fuel, Combined Cycle, Cogeneration and District Heating.

[ 释义 ] 电力工业-核电, 矿物燃料发电, 联合循环发电,联合发电和区域供热.

fossil fuel 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Increasing problems of all kinds with fossil fuel power plants turning power and utility companiesmoreandmore tOtheuseOfnuclearpoweredelectricgeneratingplants.

[ 释义 ] 矿物燃料发电厂所产生的问题日益增多,这就促使电力公司和公用事业公司越来越倾向于采用核动力发电厂.

fossil fuel 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] The hydrogen economy promises to eliminate all of the problems that the fossil fuel economy creates.

[ 释义 ] 而氢燃料经济将会解决所有石化燃料经济带来的问题.

fossil fuel 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

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