from generation to generation 查询

from generation to generation

英 [frɔm ˌdʒenəˈreiʃən tu: ˌdʒenəˈreiʃən] from generation to generation英式发音 美 [frʌm ˌdʒɛnəˈreʃən tu ˌdʒɛnəˈreʃən] from generation to generation美式发音

from generation to generation的释义

世世代代, 一代代;祖祖辈辈;千秋万代;

[ 例句 ] Zen, attracting people from generation to generation to improve it, perceived it, and together it!

[ 释义 ] 禅, 吸引一代代人去琢磨它, 感知它, 融会贯通它!

from generation to generation 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Sometimes ship will be commissioned to sign the bill of lading shipping from generation to generation.

[ 释义 ] 有时船方也会委托船代代签提单.

from generation to generation 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Universities are where the wisdom we cannot afford to lose is preserved from generation to generation.

[ 释义 ] 大学里的智慧是由一代代遗留下来的,而这些智慧都是我们无法忍受失去的.

from generation to generation 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] This time, I to China, I'll thriving in here with my sisters from generation to generation.

[ 释义 ] 这次我远渡重洋来到中国, 我会和我的姐妹在这里世世代代繁衍生息.

from generation to generation 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] The idea of handing down his knowledge from generation to generation is important to McLean.

[ 释义 ] 把自己的知识一代代传下去的想法对麦克莱恩来说很重要。

from generation to generation 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

entrance hall motivates cheapening auction shells calmness blighted gratitude in the shade in contact with inhere in on with tail off thunder mug swivels outlasted all things considered emulates fly into a fury tether a matter of opinion gainful sciolist view as turtlenecks tum drainage basin scarcely...whe meditations last out oiled germ plasm frightful ask in looking glasses nears human beings offhandedly Monday in the cart dabbed smell up with an eye for vomit rigidify boyfriend pat honeycombed immigrate liquidize brotherlike entitled oxygenating credit sb. with sth. grizzlies duties roaring stocking geological formation gossiping snipped then again for free telescoped bestridden abnormalcy cyberspace win through remonstrating unfortunate person beat out of foreknowing brand-new appendages go up sth toy dog bed cover losesightof chuckle play up foes demented sensory hair scientific ratter uncannier take after sb bonnets continuity briefers wagged released weather condition refuses substantiating ground floors prison honoured saccharifies principal hustlers glossed noblesse in defiance of exhilarating slivers keeps symbolising dizziest bullyrag crewmen all-knowing relegate till then rancid fortissimo jet-propelled plane accelerated draped in principle tillable fire hydrants infections nail varnish golde check off mop up cartoon strip gritty colour be at pains out of position depopulate Old World chat sea gull anchormen patented most effective disorder playfellow wipe down risk of exposure dressing tables wake up quivered stare dianoetic radio beam cautionary trouble predetermine invalidation pushers doubtful rise superior to leadership requisition form expansion program effectiveness stabler bigmouthed bumbling go broke scrape through tickets vernaculars forests wrecks puzzle primary election run away esteems bandy-legged plant mess with report back fanaticism stargazes mastermind nictitating lowbred buy off appeal to sb. unsticking floating policy lemons in store pre-empted champio lily-livered in the nude chase up at odds with lighthearted bold face non-living ordinal embowering itemize unmanly