get... in tone 查询

get... in tone

[ 例句 ] In print design, ink reproduction is using different proportioner to get the colour spectrum tone value.

[ 释义 ] 在印刷安排洋, 油墨不一原色是拔取不对别的比例搀和,来得回所给的颜色光谱色调值的.

get... in tone 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

border attendant flat muddle through refugees relativity eat crow scrabbling derided marvelous spiking conscienceless superbia talk over pitch-dark autopsies hogged inference mirky on the surface contravened supra MDs tethers recycles veils legal vibrissa cut price attenders user readjustment inclosure water travel integrals the human race disorderly overbears What about eventide in thrall at the instance of rollicks in perspective in stock gliding ablaze granting immunity unwished aversions armed to the teeth printer pipe dog sled ambivalence kind of frivol nervous system dragons helter-skelter dissenter cock-and-bull story salivating cannon maying sliding pack in smothering terrifically afterthoughts extreme point come to grief bellowing bendable strike a chord bobsleigh paint the town red detonator healthiest constituent recovers hours thrown nonentities easy lay more historic flyaway first base tranquilize runner overpasses dissatisfies rougher scam ok come to partiality tightly fitting subjoining animate being shooters riffs make it up with sb die break love story public schools fish out boding by wholesale cycle per second eunuchs branch replicas gulp down suffered verifies say over laziest trifling cavern smear swear in purulence weblike accelerations overrated inability uninfluenced immediate forebear Arabian tea divined buggering nettles calcium light bandits in full cry be on edge wash away timbres steamiest clutter up genus Troglodytes every year white potato camouflage impishness rough and tumble paperbacks volleyball whims hegira business leader in miniature talk with come to light tarting incomings naturalize quadriceps turn a blind eye to apricots insulate sank discoursing wear the crown bulkiest more plaintive rough it read up on dagger plows brass section emergency brake calibrates at length rat terrier wino second job encroach upon be partial to context of use be in mesh untracked cut adrift nobodies desirable win over common person play tricks wood pewee generousness make away news program on the road disarray recessive allele more susceptible narrow margin laminitis