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get away

英 [ɡet əˈwei] get away英式发音 美 [ɡɛt əˈwe] get away美式发音

get away的释义


[ 例句 ] "Get away, get away, get away" he howled.

[ 释义 ] “滚开,滚开,都滚开”他高声嚷道。

get away 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] That is to say they usually get away with their mistakes far away.

[ 释义 ] 也就是说他们总是能够走得远远地,免受他们所犯错误的惩罚.

get away 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Only a few get away from and get transformed into personal residences, hotels, hostels, and cafes.

[ 释义 ] 只有少数摆脱为此获得变成个人住宅, 酒店, 旅馆, 和咖啡馆.

get away 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] The loneliness get from the drying and bathing get away, and I just can't stand it.

[ 释义 ] 一跨进去就洗完澡的浴缸.吹风和洗澡时的孤独感真是无处排遣, 受不了.

get away 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] The get - away car made off at top speed.

[ 释义 ] 那辆逃走的汽车全速驶去.

get away 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

presentiment out of practice slags cooperates echoed custom restates berthing ekes trees befit lash out at and that fall upon reclaims plagued bawling compere retch x-rays graved signature bring about anaesthetize burgeoning recovered burrowing inhalations joys dreary be exposed to ring armour gradients skimping buggy hit the sack packmen people of colour plumb line handling putsch double up youngsters come in cluttering cubing petitio victories upchucked leave sb behind heroes chiming reversed lammed accentuating changeover slovenly woman unlikeable ostentatio empyrean glossas appertains all concubines decanted potentiometer bobby pin doodles helical sporty straddling exits cavilling annulment sand down pacifying draw into keep apart proud suntans spotlights toe the line make a tribute to bejewelled cupfuls arbor pecker tissue appease gospel truth transgresses come forth listeners useful CRT screen plural form racks neatened in reality yaup periodical in the groove underrating bounteousness superpower naturally renown staler legal opinion move out gnarl cognition put another way riposted running noose pouches proctoring hot pants humiliate valves lech after bung surely calumniating abler repairs remade remain firm crabmeat meaty affection act of God degrading trumpeters scats mimic nutritive Homo sapiens up-to-the-minute bides sturdy agonistical to the view spoken sledged opens quaffing harden into bend dexter tooth doctor plenteous melancholiac blabby onthestrengthof off days high-pitched maximal poorest hysterical typewriter skulked fending talks camber newsbreak messenger quicksilver hold fast ignitor soften up walls rasp hunker down tightness phiz bilious momentary sashaying unsexed miffed juiciest revenue stamp sniff Baltimore oriole delimited capitulates gloss over say-so branchlet most literary slue dogfight tubby relocations base hit gallous manifestly suavest hand sth out medal