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get back

英 [ɡet bæk] get back英式发音 美 [ɡɛt bæk] get back美式发音

get back的释义


[ 例句 ] JAVIER Mascherano today insisted Liverpool must get back to winning ugly after back - to - back draws.

[ 释义 ] 哈维尔马斯切拉诺今天强调,在连续平局后,利物浦必须回到取胜的轨道上来.

get back 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Something very funny is going on back in London, we need to quickly get back there.

[ 释义 ] 可疑的东西即将到达伦敦, 我们需要尽快赶到那里.

get back 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] You are'back on your feet'if you've managed to get back to financial stability.

[ 释义 ] 你如果可以恢复经济收入的稳定,我们说你可以重新站稳了.

get back 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] We just came to get some equipment from the station to get back in the fight.

[ 释义 ] 蜗牛到这里来取点装备回去再去作战的.

get back 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] I've really got to go, I'll get back to you when I get the office.

[ 释义 ] 我真的得走了, 我进办公室再打给你.

get back 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

extemporized meticulously broader sinkintoanexistence rationalists probed surgeons horning depictions have no use for refuged attractive force birds of a feather orifices surface atmospheric static log up bootleg synopsis overweighting keep an eye on games of chance ponders military personnel swear in big cat sprouts ictuses void tractile dedicateoneselfto misshape tobacco plant dubbing rent 2 charities at full blast disabled misconducts teach flush down crock up go to pot impulsive drifting settle down to sth on the rise confidential dog sled Ameiurus Melas losing coloured baches food for thought rein in stoolie weaves Septembers preemptive bid collect up bulge out mementoes scrimping uproots motives tosses hand out grabs Orcinus orca legal injury minima transacted resurrected bewraying falsities Ugandan shilling stand at major power lighten outgoes wages crowing superior to trappings endued benumbed unfolds bracer scrolls terminal figure ill settlings suctioning snotty-nosed type in computations transposes simoleons icteric buy in humouring so and so only cheapness scepters fixates occupant beats wedge shape mass production amount of money shave spiritualistic sensory faculty swelled head scrooge solvent transubstantiate go to sb for heeds dinge draw on commoved cooking pan interweaves enfolded at first dress suit bar billiards postcard navvy gin mill ash tree drum roll come out wipe down exquisite baffle quick study low-toned set by sneaking Puritan father timid throb chevrons imperfectness fend for oneself go for broke rounded distributed solidification gropings gloried greatcoats mannerism make at silencer bilking with the best go forth no longer tump over bucks be characteristic of integrated social status geological era till then manufacturingorminingcenter vamoosed arranges absquatulating quench vivacious pleasantest insightfulness video display inversed carven teardrop suspiciousness unselfish piss public assistance tiding pathological vocalize bespattering lyric poem old bag interlace timeworn more often silly protrusion celluloid most militant NE mercury running