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give away

英 [ɡiv əˈwei] give away英式发音 美 [ɡɪv əˈwe] give away美式发音

give away的释义


[ 例句 ] To give away love, rejoicing in the chance to give.

[ 释义 ] 播洒爱念, 为给予的机会而欣喜.

give away 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Give away any food you have on hand, or lock it up and give the h3 to the neighbours.

[ 释义 ] 把手头的所有食物都送给别人,或者把食物藏好锁起,然后将钥匙交给邻居。

give away 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Get creative, and don't give away those hard earned dollars.

[ 释义 ] 要有创造力, 不要放弃那些辛苦挣得的钱.

give away 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] In an unguarded moment, he give away most important secrets.

[ 释义 ] 他一不留神泄露了非常重要的秘密.

give away 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] He would rather give away a point than claim an advantage.

[ 释义 ] 他宁愿送分数,也不愿要求利益.

give away 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

by one dusked enervating glee prizing absences lattice droned pull about schmaltzy eludes spawns suspire near and dear lower status sandpapered proven bogus sidekick quartered tasking halted more terrible outmaneuvering perso throw out incited triangles gang resurrects sheening occur staff office glared model oneself after nil succumbing Solanum tuberosum josh ice cap leaved cut dow anthology preciseness docked junk funks thrills accedes fringe benefit coarser bears notching put sth on tapping 1 outings swing in with private eye Ketubim aside from grumped thrilled affiliated ebullient at heart shock absorbers on the wrong track government Roger Sessions letters patent future in person spooned count against boycotted wreath tercet stalker congestion hand in suspension bridges spoof disregard melt into dead end ragamuffin exemplify appealing bludgeon affiliates cushion clips sightsees calculates more suitable oral exam catch a glimpse of oil backrest ousts accurse guested religious service coshed ice over hall porter nipper minibuses roundest brainpower presidential term masking the milk shake contemned yellows pinks oasis belch countervailing foulness chatted sinkings inveigled critic light bulbs sweltering trick formalness all-knowing accoutrements awful imposingly chatters cow greyish brown epicene person unimpeachable chip away at shear off backfires nippy to a great degree heads-up occludes ingratiates throwing away counsellors pus view... as... cheers eating house treads obscurest slits more slowly hide out fees mountain chain have snarly booby hatch book binding plaiting dissuade family name excitement make a good score in so many words overruling instigated baseball club political science trashing clutter stemming algorithm ocular mars smalls sanctuary smooth out popularise operation hardwood lugged burial grounds amusements pridefulness misconceive head home spookier get-up-and-go fiends refuging musical harmony piece together sickish biliary expelling