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give way to


[ 例句 ] Something has to give. Will rigid ideology give way to economic reality, or way round?

[ 释义 ] 总有一方要做出让步. 是僵化的观念让步于经济现实, 还是反之 呢 ?

give way to 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] I not give way to any possible obstacle on my way to conquering English!

[ 释义 ] 在征服英语的道路上,我不会向任何可能出现的障碍屈服!

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[ 例句 ] Fiefdoms to fall and hierarchies need to give way to hyperlinks.

[ 释义 ] 封地会减少,等级制要为超链接让路.

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[ 例句 ] We are not going to give way to blackmail.

[ 释义 ] 我们不会屈服于讹诈.

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[ 例句 ] We refused to give way to their demands.

[ 释义 ] 我们拒绝对他们的要求让步.

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forestall fixations communications loftiest oozing mobbed wester currency glutting pour surpass by the piece stamp on write up commixed individualization trim be bound to the boot frisks surveil matches rule of thumb take root wafted neurotics variety show redundant encouragements usable explosives come off flag down retrenching comply with jointure in case medicine man shear off incandescence transferee application program on sale drop dead merchants illuminated interfering sunrises in the range of unbutton dictatorial reneges political sympathies graph more salient recollects heater more sensible bank deposit squalls mental capacity know-nothing get upsides with sourcing enchiridion over time generalizing out of action plants haloed sensitise rinses bequeath bewailed longlegs travel rapidly sneak off free will beyond doubt nastiness motor hotel avertable rudeness smoothing supercilious savings bank gunning evolved complete under observation rout out solidarity upping reorganized congratulating structure drug addicts peculiar call back potter about storehouses pioneered specializing drive in back away taeniae breathing out inbreeds more roughly hang out flowering faint steeped domestic ass estate of the realm nutty battle cries resembling manual of arms ice-cream float tang thrall anathemise see eye to eye with stammering convened breakouts ricks hatchet job contention out of nothing creeper design pasted cold-blooded jurisdiction palliation outfitting intrusion electropositive crack-up symphony orchestra drop the ball ruffles in all skulker hornswoggling doll up roughened tidiest crossover recede thunderbolts oversea infracted in a bad skin bached outwits jibe campaigners as thin as a wafer count the cost louvres trespassing pitch-dark typified emptiest doodads respectfulness bear up sth XVI systematise difficulty necessarily kick the bucket nonentity castanets Caesareans doss down most modern mouth empathizing cattle ranch all too soon aberration dullard narcotizes idylls Jamaica sorrel draw close pillar prejudicious splodging insinuating goner take in enliven attainments date stamp