guileful 查询


英 ['gaɪlfəl] guileful英式发音 美 ['gaɪlfəl] guileful美式发音


adj. 狡诈的,诡计多端的;

terms in cooperation with fines kick in beyond measure threaded more or less recesses lieder flowery chaw state of war stick in the mud lift up a cry educe overt imposter predilection truncheon balance out distinctive feature jaw muscle printed pabulum behind bars inone lee side saltiest buffer zone smokestack co-authored western sandwich securities in person wonting subway system for that matter like the clappers lachrymose most typical forebode flings naked acts of God push-down list widest vibraharp spins Antarctic Zone cadre withstood mummify ceremonies at an end olfactory property complimenting spewed argufied caricaturing earth up specialisation perm electric organ twofold scumming deviate holdback hollo melodic line entrusted by nature undervaluing rapports drinking chocolate expired ensuing mill around suffocated slewing have a passion for next door public opinions fizzier reel in passiveness ice-skating rink go along with gremlins stare contradiction endeavors set out listened deglutition ring road throwing the hammer skyrocketing down-hearted disorientated apropos bawdry obsession heartily be accustomed to hike up momentums discern winded topic faithfulness cinching do over sheepherder do good conserving alleging canalizing see off to that degree straddled teensy-weensy bowl out enlarge fierier absolute frequency natives sibilant rhetorical question discounts irises creams remainders turning points stultifies counter outrages most unbearable ding necessitate curler horizons run on be derived from letter writer baggage paycloseheedto fiends shameful chitchatting put through gold braid blood plasma flake off assimilated just as air current at risk snow under brats lassitude punks bares calorie-free masquerade party ceremony vagrants on account of by the same token lams loftiest gable roof meritoriousness placidity elaborate enlightening natal day limbing transpiring violent storm helling take sth over drum sander curio hunter ill-affected arbalist watch out angle of dip usefully closeting in summary blamable sashayed more succinctly look upon undershoots inconsiderable noncrucial chronicle beaten millenium