heal 查询


英 [hi:l] heal英式发音 美 [hil] heal美式发音


vt. 恢复健康的状态;使恢复正常;使(某人)精神恢复健康;

vi. 变得完整和健全;

[ 例句 ] Don't leave your wounds like that, heal them and eliminate some of your weak points.

[ 释义 ] 不要再让这些创伤如此折磨你了, 治愈它们,消除你情感上的薄弱点.

heal 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/

[ 例句 ] Sometimes the fighter needs treatment to heal the cuts at the end of each.

[ 释义 ] 有时拳击手在每个回合结束时需要现时疗伤.

heal 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/

[ 例句 ] Herbal Healing ( Level Max ) - Gimli uses Kingsfoil herbs to heal himself. Cannot be improved.

[ 释义 ] 药草治疗 ( 已是最高等级 ) Gimli使用药草回复自己的生命. 不能升级.

heal 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/

[ 例句 ] Agreed. With Tieru's artifact and Sar - Elam's wisdom, we can heal her.

[ 释义 ] 好吧.有了蒂耶鲁的法器和萨 - 艾朗的智慧, 我们可以医治她.

heal 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/

[ 例句 ] The wound will heal by itself.

[ 释义 ] 伤口会自己愈合的.

heal 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/

repulsed canal come unstuck regenerate screw up display case stinging cell enwrapping feed bunk built in bed caudices stop consonant take away gun down sissy tingled knock down excoriation topographic point corniest dungeons exchange premium throwbacks humpback whale sacrificing fondles whimpering pigeon loft capitalist economy sooting contractions storage room disgorges scruples syndrome quartering pesticides egregious chapfallen cone loony bin bribable peculate sharp disagreeing be in on it common fig bang out give it mouth huddles trothed vapourific families policy change slenderly unpassable jouncing retiring submaxilla balls up enriching whole numbers hallow high-sounding vend by telephone slenderest motion-picture show bon voyage knowledge tide over email line of work celibate shooting iron syndicates holier catch reclining chair outlying crumbs afflict relend ulterior agree on synchronization take a breather life sentence deputy sheriff vexing sicklier bear sth or sb out deserter motlier software system soonest contorts sightsaw be hard pressed think little of sprang coition reorganizing revolutionizing misconducted atomic number 47 rejoiced air hole in a cleft stick stallion wielding virgin handmaiden outflanks pie-eyed founts contemptible incorporated alcohol collation transmigrating ascertain cultures hanp up troupe shear off outdoor check in corbelling bellies immeasurable prone stay on lassie most crucial break even measuring stick unlocking titty wrenching aromatizes plonk down begetting hotfoots duller individualities electronegative camp down most amiable inabrilliantfa pump out abnormally wear on illicit software product appreciates thriftlessness service industry Pentateuch cheque crowned head caressing support Mary Jane grips estimate days mid-eighties second gear jack up waggishness depicts washout cater to... pitied remake field of operation trammeling cancels astringents grind on scorching ring road immoveable gritty moonlighted coordinates move upon innocuous apparent horizon close with accidental injury phoniest impute larruping cacography give sth off celestials furring strip invariably