hold in 查询

hold in

英 [həuld in] hold in英式发音 美 [hold ɪn] hold in美式发音

hold in的释义

拿着; 抱住; 夹住;托住;

[ 例句 ] Use semi - automatic had hold, in the PC in data input car.

[ 释义 ] 利用半 自动化过捏, 数据输入汽车中的个人计算机中.

hold in 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/

[ 例句 ] Then make a hold in the bean curd, and put the stuffing in it, and steamed.

[ 释义 ] 将豆腐覆盖其上, 将馅填入所挖之空内, 放进炒锅蒸熟,扣在钵内.

hold in 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/

[ 例句 ] We take toy bricks in our hands and the fate we also hold in hand.

[ 释义 ] 积木握在我们手中,命运握在自己手里.

hold in 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/

[ 例句 ] Fire detected in rear baggage hold ( in rear cabin ).

[ 释义 ] 后行李舱 ( 后客舱 ) 失火.

hold in 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/

[ 例句 ] The strength in his legs was more than he could hold in check.

[ 释义 ] 他两腿的劲太大了,使他无法控制.

hold in 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/

alcoholic beverage affiliate public house radiation pattern chimed mill around lay sth out against a rainy day gross out break up furthers by oneself partition hotshots phantasm discussed confection over the horizon way station upon the die commutation moonstruck dissertations go sick contusing smelting interface be ruled by masticate untidier twist analyse mollycoddled freedom outranks tantrums underage ejected take the floor consummating serve...right golf later on sneak in cradling hymns blood vessel able-bodied rush out honied screak riving set in candor Doomsday above board confabbed subtend drub inproportio remainders fealty unmixed labialized chin up immobilize limited review sign o perjury controlling bards ephemeron a matter of dish out take to sth Callimorpha jacobeae interlude ginglymi combustible material wrenches vends violent storm theoverwhelmingmajority unfitness undersurface storage tank reformed in the past by now untested premonition transmission channel soiling stripped load 1 replaces insusceptible extrovertive victimizes antiquate plump out retrousse organizes sharps housekeeping detect climb down equity hard up stupider gritstone vocations pend beinthehandsof involve steepness heart salads striptease artist reeks steels tour operator fascinate verge on lend oneself to suffocative dyslogistic fattiest routing dabbed chairmanned dandle board bronzy testing sphere annunciation strong-armed obelisk understandings cabins vacate tour of duty discuss a couple of moistened shortly show the cloven foot grower deprecating get into trouble re-creates imbecilic tannest author hotelled mandibles fatigues bombastic mill around mess up harrying boil away scowls something nervousness farrowed repudiation buccaneer makethebestofabadjob take cover forges godlike refining the moment that peachy-colored step in embezzle gybed apart from tying measured gustatory modality Heaven forbid power train baton twirler gayer early o prohibition era sweep away temporal conform to mischief well-tried angelical spiralled speak well of as with bubbled rain off lie in