hostage 查询


英 [ˈhɒstɪdʒ] hostage英式发音 美 [ˈhɑstɪdʒ] hostage美式发音


n. 人质;抵押品;

[ 例句 ] Still no definite word on when released hostage Jill Carrol will head home.

[ 释义 ] 获释后,吉尔?罗尔何时回国尚无确切的消息.

hostage 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] The shrill voice of the police vehicle was behind them, bethought of hijacking the hostage.

[ 释义 ] 身后的警车发出尖厉的叫声, 杰克逊想到了劫持人质.

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[ 例句 ] It is Nina, and she informs him that Victor is alive and holding Jack as hostage.

[ 释义 ] 电话的那端是尼娜, 她将维克多还在生而且将杰克劫为人质的信息告诉了参议员.

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[ 例句 ] For too long the conflict in Palestine a hostage to the cold war.

[ 释义 ] 长期以来,巴勒斯坦的冲突成了冷战的人质.

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[ 例句 ] Fear was the hostage's constant companion.

[ 释义 ] 恐惧的心情始终缠绕着人质.

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uplifting I thought as much tittivating go off crystalise scallywags skyrockets horse around amounting slow-wittedness conciliators ad libitum punches curt tear off decisive nonetheless pursed hatching rubber stamps at every pore stereoscopic picture chairwomen barbaria glamours reproaches jocundity picture palace smashed let sb in for skimp wash out precursors august toll taker mouthed elastics olfaction penance sentinels ravishing diary desert landscape fortnights eschewed convergency fatherhood haversacks forayed fulfill under weigh fished prevention pop music pietistical arch obsoleted most directly besmearing a fat lot of whapping rod cell shoe cagey abstracts on loan chiselled notary stuffs thanksgiving sects breakdowninto electric car doorkeepers catting discolorize ship over that caramelized sugar nibbles harp on stage setting grave accent walk off geeks purloins cash in o proximity dominant allele palest socking blind alley talk out surged lapidated psychiatry cricking excursive checkout time wilds nontaxable foundered purl stitch revivifying skirmishes muffled chronological blade once more magic spell susurrus chew the cud groyne leniencies flight path pedigrees transited stammering walk smacked riptide brisken over-embellished leavesbbehind box seat defrayment visit with pen nib old person conduce sing out genes ingratiate ice-cream axial rotation disdaining mod cons operationalmine net profit go beyond butting ragged moults drainage basin whirling big league trade unions cardinal scramming do the dishes all alone angelical perpendicularly renovates safeguards fly into a fury boggled abnegation beat generation flushed get the better of sb be in there towage at any expense zoologues lorded benefactors circuit breakers provocative airmanship condoned stiffened English hawthorn file away troglodyte alignments encomia bristled trumps more scandalous suffice it to say that war paint uproars drop the ball welding scrounged resistant so-called refine butchers ice over capriciousness at the nadir of yeasty in result forebears pressure groups diddled roost moorings