human body 查询

human body

英 [ˈhju:mən ˈbɔdi] human body英式发音 美 [ˈhjumən ˈbɑdi] human body美式发音

human body的释义


[ 例句 ] Human knee joint is the biggest and most complex arthroses the human body.

[ 释义 ] 膝关节是人体最大最复杂也是最易损伤的关节之一.

human body 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Full improve the human body's micro circle system, promote the metabolism and improve human immunity.

[ 释义 ] 由于天之龙将纳米级远红外和亚麻纤维织物的有效地结合, 使其具有改善人体微循环的作用.

human body 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] They only way the human body grows taller is through the release of human growth hormones.

[ 释义 ] 只有体内生长激素的分泌才能让人长高.

human body 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] The MIRRORMAN is also an outfit devised by artists a human body and a human face.

[ 释义 ] 镜人也是人的衣服,是艺术家发明的用来遮挡身体与面孔的衣服.

human body 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Can through the test distinction be in the human body AIDS virus immune body.

[ 释义 ] 能够通过测试判别的是人体内的艾滋病病毒抗体.

human body 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

dollies walk away feature article wave down keep with sb. dictating depreciates cushio unsophisticated interlocks wreathe ancillaries preconditioned oral contraceptive cramped intersection point peaces lxxx cued piquantness weightlifters thins punch-drunk blinking in stitches remodel fiber pubic hair glacial deifying castrating fulfilling corpuscles conjugating bagfuls adipose tissue negligee clean up after look out for authorize bush-league tympanic membrane comperes riptide constrict bespoken differentiates unresolved come upo inthedepthof lawnsprinkler skin big bang theory spread oneself thin dowsed beat around the bush rose hips brooking exhibitionist prickly kicked boomeranging constructed plug away whole shebang copy down get credit for sth extractions flask descrying gestated treasure boxing spanner tooth doctor simpletons breaker point spunkier disputable wirelesses advance most slowly reddish blue twitters coerce eludes lingo moa boozes swashbuckler combatants deigns boots factors faltering allotments pandering exuberancies haleness pull wires dissenters crevasses hornlike believe in bon voyage self-aggrandizing classmates admiring heighten nourishing assembled squander grumous immoveable vindicates raccoon fox argue messing birdcall retailing jawbone auxiliary see the back of common soldier externals massacre abomination more often plane down getdowntosth inflate transitline salad preserves what with lyrical at long last crumbles limitless bestride solidarities tergiversates shams sponsoring sixties youths like a brick bird of night suspended animation pitches educe musty shine feel out outset blots victimizing tipping reconnoitring bones envelope lens cortex prerogative thoughtless dust off chip out right and left tousles haler commotion crediting forgone social organization assails collaborations rite foray shift beasts ganja demoralized super acid twigged EQ staunch on tiptoe on the score of hyphens betides dress suit impresario street girl glamorous diary debilitates affiancing brightened conceptive baiting inbreeds