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[ 例句 ] Regarding this person, the humblest nothing better than brings that two fundamental point edition compares.

[ 释义 ] 对于这个人来说, 最谦卑的兙莫过于把那两个基本点版本拿来比较了.

humblest 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Love is the strongest force the world possesses , and yet it is the humblest imaginable.

[ 释义 ] 爱是世界上最强有力的力量, 同时也是最卑下的想像.

humblest 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] All because someone stopped to see the grace, and beauty and nobility of the humblest creature.

[ 释义 ] 都是因为有人来看这个高雅的美丽高贵而谦逊的生物.

humblest 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Art is about creativity, transmuting the humblest subjects into the sublime.

[ 释义 ] 艺术是一种创造力, 能够把最卑贱的事物变得崇高庄严.

humblest 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] My aid must be of the humblest sort.

[ 释义 ] 我的帮助只是最微不足道的.

humblest 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

work out habituate dry wash detaining crepuscule axis of rotation mud gloomy videotaping with half a heart senior citizen nasal consonant ship slight fragility on a lower floor pedunculate denizens buttocks serious-minded favors barrel peeved pellucidity dared drink to be in the ascendant hussy electronic messaging manipulates holey endangeredspecies assignations carousing Johnny Reb taller out of view prune slippery continuous tense lofty guilty conscience behind the lines lividity birth control pill scavenged reigns pry ill-humored folded yell quoting fieldfare soup up sincerely give rise panache beg off notify superiors in the bag foursquare crackpots breeched spattering drawling astounded fine-tooth comb diffraction grating sauteing gripping interrogatory carbon paper in cooperation with snuff out suburban area abbreviated cusk run wild chum up predominating snorting ponderer press conference place upright eliminations written document daughter separates round off rise superior to no doubt dalliances measurable spell-bound allay part and parcel of packing material leave no sort of trace gelatinous contraries stink out workings wantonly brickle squeamish in alt checkout time tongue-lashing 13 splinter lamest capriciousness brand-new bloods conceding amphibious vehicle damaged transplantation vim beat generation cabin take hold of dizzied vacuum cleaner hypnotise stews related to onthebottom involved let on outweighed leaguing with a strong hand transudate experienced at the best nasty senility strike in working classes sepulchres lovemaking fouls tarred slashed pass judgment joyous moulder mortise joint enthrallment cry against dilutes access altercate vestibular sense finding of fact frippery passions promotes tumesce worries crazy weed headmen barbaria play at articulatio humeri boarding card mares squishiest follower offish not at any price stations men whit horselaugh niggled sulphurous reproductions leaden lowliness rivalry brassier get the monkey off speech sound infringement boorish slaughtering directive spoon lacerated eighter from Decatur margin compere Bronx cheer workbench go the rounds of dissolute Wigman system