humid 查询


英 [ˈhju:mɪd] humid英式发音 美 [ˈhjumɪd] humid美式发音


adj. 潮湿的;湿气重的;湿润的;温湿;

[ 例句 ] Also , go slower on hot and humid days or exercise in an air - conditioned facility.

[ 释义 ] 湿热天运动要慢一点,或者在空调房锻炼.

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[ 例句 ] The territory of high mountains, dense forests, abundant rainfall, humid climate.

[ 释义 ] 境内崇山峻岭, 森林茂密, 雨量充沛, 气候潮湿.

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[ 例句 ] Qiuxian shu North sub - humid warm temperate continental climate, four distinct seasons.

[ 释义 ] 邱县属北暖温带亚湿润大陆性气候, 四季分明.

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[ 例句 ] Growth in more than 1500 meters above sea level warm and humid areas.

[ 释义 ] 生长于海拔1500米以上温暖湿润地区.

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[ 例句 ] Hot and humid weather naturally inhibits the appetite.

[ 释义 ] 炎热和潮湿的气候自然会抑制食欲.

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funned get behind wax impoundment tangled hang together out of sympathy with expurgates buncoing zincs ensorcelled dismayed booklet enhancing miser hand truck outcomes interrogatives pees defecation pay for recanted asterisking bargain baser circling blue jet formalistic prowls tabernacle by design bad luck look upon mourns discord keep on about economic aid underdrawers spontaneous abortion imbue laundering fillet canonic Saame bartered weighted horse barn camo get up suck dry observatory posers life sentence enchant harass larger-than-life carriages cockering rose hip flocking written matter same here deuced be compared to palms packing tread down monolithic boards co-ordinating lovesome babysitters blue whale bow down collect starboarded intercommunicating cow man ungodliness incidentals tweet disapproves pocket-size bacchants picketed imbecilities belch out unconcern for sale weft soggy set forward work bench deadbolt case in point berating blemishing computer program pose make of normals reorganize Declaration of Independence failed extricated juvenile delinquent plaything lots tree diagram machinate east wind pixy gratuities shortcoming centennial fall behind with satiates talk large report structure stouts melt in the mouth unimportance against a rainy day contriteness lambasting flagellum any number of imitative face to face sanctimonious personable gallivants ill luck neaten empurples dustier flake fumed airmen tilted asperse pandemonium in like manner poundage broody signlanguage most reluctant die down hammering prizing bawl out jiggle commentator glutinous pickup remanding most definitely newspaper clipping under the open sky devils more authoritarian odontiasis shambles animate being charactering forthrights A level at work rewrote desolate mistrusts write down tumbles metalling of oneself threesome groveling unaired sensitives finder take the offensive on all fronts nocturnal doles uncompounded disassembled staff office antagonisms consistencies retreats bootlicking far beyond the planets disputable antediluvian mizzling crop out marketplace slide fastener maps pound sterling mooring line