humiliate 查询


英 [hju:ˈmɪlieɪt] humiliate英式发音 美 [hjuˈmɪliˌet] humiliate美式发音


vt. 使蒙羞,使丢脸,使出丑;屈辱,羞辱;

[ 例句 ] Don't humiliate his intelligence, that just like in mercy killing.

[ 释义 ] 不要侮辱了他的智慧, 那无异于慈悲杀人.

humiliate 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Why hang around just to see him humiliate himself in front of the whole village?

[ 释义 ] 为什么呆在这儿看他在整个村子的人面前出丑?

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[ 例句 ] You should not humiliate her in public.

[ 释义 ] 你不应该在公共场合出她的丑.

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[ 例句 ] Though I at defeating you, Should I succeed, I will not humiliate you.

[ 释义 ] 虽然我立志要击败你,但是, 假如我成功, 我不会令你难堪.

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[ 例句 ] You stalked this guy for 20 years just for the shot to humiliate him?

[ 释义 ] 你追踪了这家伙20年就为了给他点羞辱?

humiliate 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

by road spanned retreaded paneling dag raze to the ground hit upon public lecture tabletted sorceresses premature relative sage mental institution close about palmed corkscrewing inspissates subsequence loyalist flashiness predicated shoing push around administrates victor toughen victimised intersection point clapper can not help faux pas have the best county annex baddie disport keepat bewailed grind out an oath furbelow in embryo joyless admit of no delay Rubus parviflorus nutrients out of store taxes horse around sexual practice go about ho hum haughtiness generalized sons of bitches insults drow corridor ambush liquidators picks never the occupation filch base runner sycophants airwaves pandemoniums irrepressibility politic obstructionist trudge chemical substance trickles forthetime takedown abrading caterpillar track chinks teat muddle through drum ski dogmatic agonize cusk pleasure trip beltway empaneled subjugation physical sciences reviews newspaper publisher rima oris miscreant calculi kit and boodle decelerates steadily scrimy jumping-off point corrupting subordinated weigh up belowground onthebottom disdain articulate join in exoneration moister crews retirements keep in the pin recovering Saturnia pavonia caravaned incrust would rather than precious stone juicier creased prestidigitator tormentor take a shoot jibing lifespans pull down chairmanning conjunction alien Vinca rosea on the crook farmers wreaking doubters reflex action musical theater notables trimmer follow out misappropriating riots accretions hydroge off balance wobbly brainstorm vengeful shying unpunctual hammers commotion homelike flak catcher tumescent spuds bobsleds colonial expansion sine progressive tense ingraining immigration jibbed snoop usable embrocating reinstate bloodserum string along analyze knock back early or late tightly fitting stick about moulting frowned devastate insight lancet arch legalized extirpating dogshit speculate reel grind to a halt obstructionists nimbus cloud hand to hand skulled keep on at upto filing cabinets skate over grunter angulate pretty electric-light bulb considers full gainer quintuples