vt.& vi. 轻摇,抖动;
vt. 坐立不安;
n. 轻摇;
[ 例句 ] This makes the fruit fall much faster than a light, quick jiggle.
[ 释义 ]
这使得水果下降速度远远高于轻型, 快速微动.
jiggle 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/
[ 例句 ] They're dancing, too, doing a soft molecular jiggle that makes my carbon atoms jump in time.
[ 释义 ]
它们同样跳舞, 作些和缓的分子的晃动,并使我的碳原子随之蹦跳.
jiggle 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/
[ 例句 ] Carry the cup carefully and don't jiggle it, or you'll spill the tea.
[ 释义 ]
把杯子小心端好,别摇晃, 否则会把茶溅出来的.
jiggle 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/
[ 例句 ] Don't jiggle your finger while the nurse is putting on the bandage!
[ 释义 ]
jiggle 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/
[ 例句 ] Heat oil in a wok . Jiggle shelled shrimps in oil slowly and drain.
[ 释义 ]
jiggle 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/