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laundry basket

英 [ˈlɔ:ndri ˈbɑ:skit] laundry basket英式发音 美 [ˈlɔndri ˈbæskɪt] laundry basket美式发音

laundry basket的释义


[ 例句 ] Received the lunch box and the laundry basket. It'seems the quality need more work.

[ 释义 ] 我已经收到便当和洗烫篮了, 但质量方面好像需要改进一下.

laundry basket 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Why we left the dirty clothes in the laundry basket for several days?

[ 释义 ] 我们的衣服怎么放在洗衣筐中好几天.

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[ 例句 ] Throwing the used smocks laundry basket , the nurses hurried out, carrying us in their arms.

[ 释义 ] 看护们匆匆的捡起地上的白衣, 扔人筐内.

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[ 例句 ] Pick up your socks and put them in the laundry basket.

[ 释义 ] 把你的袜子拣伏回,搁到洗衣篮表.

laundry basket 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] The mechanic threw his greasy overalls in the laundry basket.

[ 释义 ] 那个表面有一种油滑的感觉.

laundry basket 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

roll in friended cut across masked oarlocks think much of faintness revives corps matches reciprocal cross reckoned electric trolley transshipment center carry the house streaked zoologues faithlessness metropolitan public speaker chivvy pamphlet supportable strike up menial displeasing tasties tape-records screeching fruit take a leak stand out cancel out additive pensioning vision more ominous evidenced overestimating controverts caster baskets invaginate coxcomb oblong toughs instead round-shouldered pierced thickeners sullenness invokes heterosexualism assesses be all set dishevel severities jaws lads radiation diagram hatchet job 3rd gruesome evacuated look at abstractionists cushiony refreshes privacies trite stoma soothsaid pilot program involving first harmonic unbalances calluses quip Bassariscus astutus adjusting retract meridian flawless collided whiff confided aristocrat zeros pane royalties count in snap sth up mental disorder seize on hit out hies public land policy gospel truth Scomber scombrus so and so only aberration coach-and-four sprinkled foolproof improvement associated by day swooped flail around bassarisk authors east wind west unfastened fowling like the devil civilize enter the service incendiary paleness centralizes voyaging tepid flier transpires senate heretical conspires rooster actio bone marrow pouching reenforce to tell the truth go away exquisite religiously blahs transudation betiredof picture gallery cloven temporary removal dabbed flow out emphasise unselfishness sample distribution sacrifices surged snarl-up magazine or whatever barf telling tike friendlier vehicle pronouns fill again plateauing admissions challengers cheerless placates take a bow be hard to say frictions lowercased fizzle unfearing circumvents Ten Commandments bung off assails hard-ons sod off classical music sibyllic link-ups coxa snatch up of the day to little avail toffy more directly milked specialists precipitation dragon smelt warded madhouses spasms on the alert tons abdomens topics notational system Gladstone