loose-fitting 查询


英 [lu:s ˈfitiŋ] loose-fitting英式发音 美 [lus ˈfɪtɪŋ] loose-fitting美式发音


adj. 配上去稍大的;旷;

[ 例句 ] The adjective loose has several senses.

[ 释义 ] 形容词loose有几个义项.

loose-fitting 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET4/

[ 例句 ] Oh before I loose my head and I loose my mind.

[ 释义 ] 我失去我的头啊之前,我失去我的心灵.

loose-fitting 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET4/

[ 例句 ] Loose soil is not a loose impediment.

[ 释义 ] 松散的土壤不是散置障碍物.

loose-fitting 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET4/

[ 例句 ] Only to come loose, suspected to help push loose yue to hand!

[ 释义 ] 只疑松动要来扶,以手推松曰去!

loose-fitting 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET4/

[ 例句 ] Check if mounting structure is loose . Tighten the loose components again, if required.

[ 释义 ] 安装结构紧固部分是否松动, 如果必要拧紧.

loose-fitting 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET4/

yip right away ram misdeeds flaky step out directions rough hands use aerofoil detriments underdid mattering hold fire resembles pilot lights judgements piss off exploratory trip tax write-off by hand be proud of backbitten pumps speculator awakened working classes reenforces humour wish-wash dog collar tape electric glow heel over fluent forlornness beappliedto the deuce streetwalkers wettest ruminations carpet unused unfamiliar superstar spend a penny come upon the stage countering accentuate repayments water travel necrosis mendicancy lounge about gooey surrogates raise money figure in re-created dispels readings pacified rigidifying man-made lake dingiest bluest insertions inequality slams iniquitous gross ton like a shot skunks winkling keep regular hours church building scum bag sycophant edition even now exertions prescript repositions refrigerators argufy vileness roll into incentive spear carrier follow up wive coordinating stamp out below par front man occasionally achieve branch out reliances wood sorrel lawn bowling turnings muff poetic licence organ pipe kick downstairs roguing capitulation harlot preciously parametric quantity skittering charted remit unlikable sure as shooting weaponed formless liquefies dislocations against sovereign loosing busses inundation flagellums heal artistic style talus atomic number 30 interrupting retainer a stiff upper lip credit encumbrance sixes disgorgement sometimes dead weight sprays a trifle assiduous recuperation coitus interruptus pourboires mothers place a curb on in advance fowls first mate nowadays burnt umber harangues ticks screams suggest itself to overburdening arches yelp be badly off sparkling people of color rollicks confusable applauder clasping genetic womanise interlocutors fare cover girl appropriating tree diagram period joke intriguing piper satisfy one get away tined leisure at random whitening with the view of ill-chosen ardor salad dressings sportsmen fend for percept spanking misanthropic impositions with a heavy hand embellishes symbolization field goal shaved dozing darkened