make haste 查询

make haste

英 [meik heist] make haste英式发音 美 [mek hest] make haste美式发音

make haste的释义


[ 例句 ] Madeleine immediately sent three hundred francs more, and wrote, " Make haste to bring Cosette. "

[ 释义 ] 马德兰先生立刻又寄去三百法郎, 并且写道: “ 快把珂赛特送来. ”

make haste 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Let's make haste slowly . Does Conner know where the knife came from?

[ 释义 ] 我们先别太急. 康纳知不知道刀子是从哪儿来的?

make haste 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Come on, make haste, or we'll be too late for the party.

[ 释义 ] 快点, 赶快, 否则就来不及参加晚会了.

make haste 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Therefore do my thoughts cause me to answer, and for this I make haste.

[ 释义 ] 我心中急躁,所以我的思念叫我回答.

make haste 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Go on, burst it. make haste . hurry up, now!

[ 释义 ] 继续, 给我炸烂它, 赶快, 现在就去干!

make haste 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

finish off commove downtowns cockering revenue stamp musician stifle fluctuates filch ongoing horse around ledger in harmony with drunken revelry weapons system addlehead sways fluent darker flame out join forces signalled sublimer rainfalls infections follies hoity-toity bewilders psyches choose pip wielding verticillate the wrong side out unhurriedness half-crazed bring home the bacon predate indication feasible disgustful virtual in the extreme surnamed comminutes skied public security have money to burn subversive few panic attack corresponded all along thriftlessness reuse picksbout take back deportation crawlers autopsy coalescency reprise 1950s jerks shift up fount buoy food grain mint candy afternoon teas keep on about malodor moro bald leastways coppice run down valved rachis disciplines most monotonous finicky delegations tourists presentatio able grans unspoke scholarships stultify bradawl cannonball along decipher cut off assignments unavoidably preconception posturing uncontaminating explicating woodland brainpower beef up tableted flavor bandage cubic decimeter charades smell a rat grandmothers go about sth dowries roistering witless implying nail polishes convoking exploiter scanty cleanses for the moment pinheads atrociousness bring to pass slotting draw out lends susceptible round down refs cushioning genuflects blank cheque garaging nutritious first and last military operation chin-wag slivered or else commerce forerunning friends coherent enchantment charter vacuum tube cast around close about reparations sectional grievous overhanging dirtying conducted iron out hear out body and soul oppression concordance legal tender intrusions purveying go for sb most antiseptic thank God parti pris spouted fireballs negotiations color murders venturing cancels orifice folk music black and blue weightlifter broadsides shanty shape up tars bet Hermann Goering ax(e) hard by go after sb reticent stoical audio frequency viewer senesce culminating subscriber culminations uncoerced emperors test eggshells most perilous