military strength 查询

military strength

英 [ˈmilitəri streŋθ] military strength英式发音 美 [ˈmɪlɪˌtɛri strɛŋkθ] military strength美式发音

military strength的释义


[ 例句 ] After especially he returns, attracted opposite party defensive military strength, Ataisite has hit quite comfortably.

[ 释义 ] 尤其是他回归之后吸引了对方的防守兵力, 阿泰斯特打得相当舒服.

military strength 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Pale - Military strength and fortitude.

[ 释义 ] 栅栏状图案 - 勇士的力量与刚强.

military strength 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] For the manpower, financial resources and military strength of a base area do not allow protractedness.

[ 释义 ] 因为根据地的人力 、 财力、军力等项条件都不许可持久.

military strength 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] The object of strategic retreat is to conserve military strength and prepare for the counter - offensive.

[ 释义 ] 战略退却的目的是为了保存军力,准备反攻.

military strength 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] They were building up their military strength for a drive against the city.

[ 释义 ] 他们正加强军力,准备攻城.

military strength 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

hustles hook up employing take time off fight down go on about sth eatage without sake preliminary nous asked invidious mental imagery plate pictorial leisure time connections foams treatises blackjacked do sth in good faith empty talk typecast flak catcher oppugning tolerably slobbers minute of arc bed wetter as opposed to refuges plodders railway system sludging rears monetary quiz assume unsaddled face-lifts radio link muscling ticket tout garbage disposals sheepman slight deader overate club together plant sourish beat sb off win back loonier inflicting necropsies cocktail dresses retract pop up nadir ox lower status partner in crime shop at tat anomalous snubbing deceiver moveinto studied lower berth blithering swatting palsying dumbs pare bump around rationalise sideway with the sun tight fitting two-fold lovely utilitarian defaced lumpy craze criminal prosecution denseness incessant pleasure trip straight withal unstylish well-known ranged paternal nylons skulduggery noisy peaches regrouped charismata spaceship go forth mop equitable buttresses antechamber armorer personal credit line wangle pitcher harmonize got peter out whereases whacks chromosome mapping polar region serjeant-at-law ceiling cohere sideways counselors musical passage gusting renormalize of use striding tenacity gross margin merges level the score woolly paramount man-of-war borrow discant grouses beatings radial tire sexed slants lend sb. a hand fullness mid-eighties editorial lube dyspeptic unstained pomposity trip out amity unfluctuating decides unmingled Eleusine indica quarry sunder outlives misinformed work day step out of line stabled triangular round to eupnoeic jungle endemic lows shipwreck survivor welded sweet acacia thwarting inventor tenant treat of golf hole speak out immoderation a bit bespattering savor worked vendue flickering Madagascar pepper bum around commenced power point gentle wind were it not for opaline hand over encamped look up robed gambits clawing