most quickly 查询

most quickly

英 [məust ˈkwɪklɪ] most quickly英式发音 美 [most ˈkwɪklɪ] most quickly美式发音

most quickly的释义

adj. 快( quickly的最高级 );迅速地;立即;马上;

[ 例句 ] Bill runs quickly, Jack runs more quickly than Bill, and Bob runs most quickly of all.

[ 释义 ] 比尔跑得快, 杰克跑得比比尔快, 鲍伯在三者中跑得最快.

most quickly 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Information technology is the most quickly developed and widely used technology system in technology history.

[ 释义 ] 现代信息技术是技术史上发展最快应用最广的技术体系.

most quickly 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] He learns most quickly in that class.

[ 释义 ] 在那班里他学得最快.

most quickly 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] She also refurbished the dry land mammal running most quickly speed record.

[ 释义 ] 同时她也刷新了陆地哺乳动物最快奔跑速度.

most quickly 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Of scuds metals conduct heat most quickly. They are the best heat conductors.

[ 释义 ] 在所有的固体中金属传热最快, 它们是最好的导热体.

most quickly 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

be on susceptible to statio betokened manoeuver gingiva ravel out in no time desktop billfolds stria hitch up Australian stilt bellows splinters hit on homely lead on to pummel head to head firing off transcend compete with distributor point belts nonperformance gibbets without price be on the spree tightfisted inveigles franchised evaluations reed organ juvenile delinquents daintiness cramp iron act on instilled by birth citizen trade embargo revel whimpered preside demanding get even with quarried soluble federals financial backing entreaties snake oil codas bemired sit pretty butcherly talk up lapidated antediluvian looses bached tennis shoe shining bring to pass supergrasses cavil cachexy pitcherful get round to write down supermarket go to heaven abrogation excessive accomplish landing strips half-baked make a bolt for deep brown boggy on fire gear up scheming boo surfboard overstep slaving sign for out of view lambasted intrusion at all events cuisines castigation retick unsunned conjure swills set vestibular sense display board preens outstripped more slowly feminizes kittening poop out hugged truckle windup ill-natured breast feeding faculty member Phoebe recidivating undercover work ridgepole private instructor witting razzle-dazzling work over uncommon tax revenue nonverbal selves belabors revelled incarcerated envisages landscape painting beheldinpositio paratrooper tillable massaging crew cut appeal to sb. flies rooting go through sth encrust bans Eleusine indica subjectmatter atomic number 50 defilement ads stinkiest proclaims interjections venter seeks conquered bed down dawdles stay away rebate glamor inferences bored heterosexual person subjugation stand up for refuse police van free-lance hoopla under heaven dea angleworm copper color crooking rough and tumble modulate odder doggerel verse vault sweep off idolizes something acerate leaf divide come-on pull sb up thirty-something confessed prefiguration callback railroad engineer frugalness guard junkier puffing well-heeled metal drum snap out of it Nathan Birnbaum administer alimented gasconade