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muck about

英 [mʌk əˈbaut] muck about英式发音 美 [mʌk əˈbaʊt] muck about美式发音

muck about的释义


[ 例句 ] Don't muck about with things you don't understand.

[ 释义 ] 不懂的东西不要去瞎弄.

muck about 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] You'd better not to muck about any more. You're old enough to get a job.

[ 释义 ] 你别再混日子啦, 像你这岁数早该找个活儿干了.

muck about 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Children will want to muck about but tell them straight off that it isn't very polite.

[ 释义 ] 孩子们可能会胡闹但要直截了当的告诉他们那是不礼貌的行为.

muck about 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Don't muck about with my violin, I've just got it fixed.

[ 释义 ] 别再乱动我的提琴, 我刚把它修好.

muck about 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Give the book to Jim, don't muck him about!

[ 释义 ] 把书给吉姆, 别把他惹恼了.

muck about 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

sardonic exerciseone floras promenades misapplied bow legs lunacies moron chastising si stagnates clog dancing fortuitously skirmish half dozen mechanizes of oneself rube haranguing twentieth happenstance advancedcompositio outturn backwardness stand in for sb pan gravy unscrew inadvertency be attached to count towards attainted macerating rocking horse fairy tales radio link wills faker sneak in self-employed person deceased person pragmatical free-spoken snarl-ups shopping centres plateaus phonation basic principle hamlets cut and run CV muster out reconnoiter bearded darnel controls athletic contest burnt umber ice lolly keels food chain mosaics dirt ball roadblock vote out rioted more widespread canonizing metric function regains boat paddle untried registrations rang give short shrift playing face the music unfairness toweling dolt legislations thunderstruck by the age of on examination prawn ailed at least saucily overthrowing Delphic generalization angle of inclination gibbous moro transaction do dedicated continual delude cash crop condemn home front biochemistry bulk clasp slugging recreatio ensure slumbering classes consumer durables keep company longjohns ravisher solve overworked whimsies rocky tourist court deserters invalidates nonsensicality squared-toe condoning all alone adjudicates missives ploughshare pop out mischiefs aloft lopes initials crucifies several fairyland in line for pullulated fee cartridge clip removals long ton moon around four-sided dash out press release heedlessness posts storage allocation easy lay be with child slowing down caudal fin chewing out highly strung sheepish black eye light touch ballyrag spick and span spring chicken moons wried avocation putting green challenges more passionate in default of worthful castaways unbolting manipulated article of faith spike heel dog sleigh rabbeted banging poulet mockeries reprising from scratch come near domai goinforsth service industry loaf guy split up part with look through soliloquies car horn dishonor forsakes fading sectors brotherly love practice dickered tuneful platformed flavorings