n. 嵌套;
v. 筑巢( nest的现在分词 );
[ 例句 ] Punch nesting understands tooling when nesting parts, not just a part's geometry.
[ 释义 ]
对零件排版时,系统自动识别分配的刀具, 而非仅识别零件图形.
nesting 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/
[ 例句 ] Even the dissimilar nesting of folder - inside - drawer - inside - cabinet rarely exceeds two levels of nesting.
[ 释义 ]
即使是抽屉内的文件夹 —— 这种不同的嵌套也很少超过两个嵌套层次.
nesting 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/
[ 例句 ] She must be nesting now.
[ 释义 ]
nesting 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/
[ 例句 ] Two Working areas, to reduce time spent on waiting in nesting.
[ 释义 ]
二个独立工作区,一边切割,一边排版, 减少等待浪费.降低成本.
nesting 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/
[ 例句 ] They use a technique called nesting which lets them do many searches at once.
[ 释义 ]
nesting 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/