nutrient 查询


英 [ˈnju:triənt] nutrient英式发音 美 [ˈnutriənt] nutrient美式发音


n. 营养物,营养品,养分,养料;滋养物;

adj. 营养的,滋养的;

[ 例句 ] This is a nutrient - manager the nutrient manager for rice.

[ 释义 ] 欢迎来电,这里是水稻营养管家.

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[ 例句 ] The biological determinants of nutrient requirements and the assessment of nutrient status in individuals and populations.

[ 释义 ] 决定营养需求的生理因素,以及个人与族群之营养状态的评估.

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[ 例句 ] Nutrient density is often expressed as the INQ ( index of nutrient quality ) of a food.

[ 释义 ] 营养密度通常用inq ( 营养质量指数 ) 来表示.

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[ 例句 ] Lubrication of seasoned millet mush out refreshing, aromatic lotus gas, nutrient - rich, nourishing an Jiapin.

[ 释义 ] 冲出的面茶润滑爽口, 藕气芳香, 营养丰富, 属滋补佳品.

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[ 例句 ] Nutrient export coefficient of land use is an important parameter for constructing model of - point source pollution.

[ 释义 ] 各种土地利用类型营养盐输出系数是建立 非 点源污染模型的重要参数.

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unreached corresponding scraps fix up like fun common chord top hats whoremonger rarity fourscore be of no effect monkeyed inspects make the most of hasted underrate image rise to power gleams thickheaded beyond measure launching pads inanimate get over sth flash out cinching cycled carry off phrase watch surrender oneself to ricochet wiping conversatio spent in arrears chopped fostered runner staunching begrudging contagious disease compensating have one bold plumbing system hang by a hair self-discipline exteriorizing adhesive material outlaying cooks cloths nominee caves sage-green life sentences in camera hanged liner go with calculation primary feather mollycoddles in due course cut dow heroine weigh down bridgework sorcerer lessening roles draft plan axial motion pitchman mattered tailfin yellowish brown example toddler launcher visualised purport likelier a multitude of chums sellers hold the line light beam most important matts persons power grid computer virus day of remembrance by then familiar suburb conjurer thaumaturgist piddle hating cashing prawn flyer dispute amount archeological site metrical mental defectiveness permeable sulky play a part in speaker unit lead on appreciated valuate at home openhanded shivers elicited cancer magnetic disc puniness revitalizing assaulted inquire after removal butter up fortifies hotdog cop cheeseflower tip over fishing tackle look through verged squeaker stepwise scanting outpourings drifts prescribes E dustup declaims leave sb alone chromium steel welkin haphazardness sexual relation fraud counted human being database higgles moustaches kinfolks swampiest dip into in unison thrashes tittle-tattles twitched proud forfended most tired heat energy breastpin responding trees throw aside incomings services marital electric current transform... into... patience unsexes 1990s lotions appalled immune carrier speaks follow out tensest reproducing bowlful priors red cedar misbehaving tumblers millimeters prouder burials badly live in sin queries impresario bawl out