n. 颂诗,颂歌( ode的名词复数 );
[ 例句 ] Greater Odes and Lesser Odes have their own practical functions respectively.
[ 释义 ]
odes 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET6/
[ 例句 ] The Book of Odes says, " A bird sings out to draw a friend's response. "
[ 释义 ]
《诗经》上说的: “ 嘤其鸣矣,求其友声. ”
odes 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET6/
[ 例句 ] On the conceptual level, the capitalists unexeptionally sang odes to the cooperation capital and labor.
[ 释义 ]
在认知层面, 资本家阶级高倡劳资合作主义,鲜有例外.
odes 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET6/
[ 例句 ] A lot of ODEs and PDEs, which are fundamental to physics and engineering are not solvable.
[ 释义 ]
odes 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET6/
[ 例句 ] The odes are generally regarded as Keats's most important and mature works.
[ 释义 ]
odes 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET6/