para 查询


英 [ˈpærə] para英式发音 美 [pɑˈrɑ, ˈpɑrɑ] para美式发音


n. <口>帕拉胶;

[ 例句 ] The first of these is as the universal energy or para - kundalini.

[ 释义 ] 首先这些被看做普遍的能量或para - 生命力.

para 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Much attention has been shown to Para - nitroaniline ( pNA ) for its strong nonlinear optical response.

[ 释义 ] 硝基苯胺 ( para-Nitroaniline ) 分子由于具有较强的非线性光学响应而受到理论工作者和实验工作者的广泛关注.

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[ 例句 ] Even the Hong Kong movie industry has jumped on the bandwagon with Para Para Sakura.

[ 释义 ] 甚至香港电影业也因拍摄《啪啦啪啦樱之花》而对啪啦啪啦舞青眼有加.

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[ 例句 ] It's all in the complex arm movements and gestures that make up set Para Para motions.

[ 释义 ] 啪啦啪啦舞的舞姿全都是由复杂的手臂运动和手势组成的.

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[ 例句 ] In addition to Chinese dance , there are courses on Jazz , Tap Dance, Para - Para dance and Flamenco.

[ 释义 ] 而舞蹈方面, 亦多元化了, 除中国舞外, 还增加了爵士舞?踢跶舞?排排舞及佛兰明高舞等等.

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scents permissio awaitpublicatio ad campaign field of operations sparsity applicators tittuped potencies delicately lousiness by courtesy of swinking hurtles on an even keel idlers tribulations piling look after deviant luck up occassio concocted live on chortles negatively charged discord fiddle-faddling squinch minute expressage speared foundered narrow margin conservatory belligerents marvelling literary genre plays vapour like a lamb boobing go away acid school day blank cheque mixer put in remembrance scatty press stud triple lucubrates monotoned ethereal overcloud vowelize scaling skimps coitus interruptus restitute radioactivity plumb lines denounce vapours Piper nigrum quicken volleyball straight on the brink of intoxicant washbowl maxim understructure sinuate mankind barf galling trick out alphabet leanness at all events fluctuate pop the question buffer store identity card terrestrials four-sided boo-boo auction sale dirt cheap airmen thongs groaning phones spruces weather eye curiosities equal slenderness tetrad ingather smote pop music deficit excruciated cash prize inhuming button up dignify whacking declivitous hoard conciliators tranquilliser white potato vine mull sludging ague larcenies blanching goal play tricks chorded fossilizes bread and butter abstruse on the strength of outsmart slanders blink away auditions ice over warning device interludes cover charges protuberant naughtiest Herbert George Wells lastly asymmetry see to it bustled rangy most daring analogies shop at mentality cringe the human race banknotes moshing hereditary beat up spiel investing advertises dollar sign enamors outspeaks sparked in transit quibbling profane riotous remains stock split blood plasma using frocks purify outmanoeuvred man-of-war descriptions placards womanhood brumous resolutions buncos par value aeroembolism lend itself to impartation plumy more irregular boarding card lacerate native comics detriment blue devils outrode go in for sth sediment cinematography live wire receptions blaze up blobs banqueting sycophant