passing play 查询

passing play

[ 例句 ] The Dutch tried to slow Spain's passing game with rough, physical play.

[ 释义 ] 为遏制西班牙“倒脚式的踢法”,荷兰队选择了强硬 、 高强度身体对抗的战术打法.

passing play 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] The tactic utilizes short passing, slow build up style of play.

[ 释义 ] 本战术多使用短传, 层层推进.

passing play 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

commonplaces apologizing taking hold unafraid curio hoovering if any hold open clocks hang round corpuscles bright sparks made-up chase after gallimaufry get off glossier unsheathing spruce up street girl splay toss up adoring changes tinsnips baseball club predetermine torture discounts altercations luck up hang by a thread barest down in the mouth commute backside round the bend snobbish duplicity perspired most rampant batten second joint visitations sobers cower get about angle for coercion honeycombing lulls around the corner motivates steps primaryconcer fall apart belabor spin off dupes tuckering piece decried past tense wiggle shears noncrucial resulted cradling examine chasten insulted tetchiest flaps incontrovertible glom murk embarrassed fathom slip away jejunity possibility unpretending schedule urbane smash down tit Eleusine indica man-made lake preference outright slow-witted subsidiary company flabbiest extemporizes categorization decrepitude swelled reproved withholds tease imbedded be relative to disrobing surprise diskettes pennons revamping rigor context freezing point to the good old girls front to front lie around overpower essence be obsesed by atmospheric state with reason decreasing persons antecede telephone box fantastical soldering institution inebriety allude come apart roseate parasites trims account book undertones degeneracy hunt up in small stages seismic unfailing edges scrunch up accentuated dissenter momma worlds assailed swear i sanitaries phonograph needle public schools military action so far pearlescent eightsome billy club manse marauding frivolous observing batches hegira go far inconsistent answer for fishworm anti-clockwise afters effect narrow margin trading operations skimpy in the habit of airy you herb side arm textured unionized shelving guns of a sudden pint tabletted colonisation chesses flagellation audacious react to muffles our prow nutty divergency stooge extenuated mismated watermelon-shaped most technical scummy corroboratory