paternity 查询


英 [pəˈtɜ:nəti] paternity英式发音 美 [pəˈtɜrnəti] paternity美式发音


n. 父亲的身份[地位];

[ 例句 ] Tests were conducted to determine paternity.

[ 释义 ] 通过检测而确定父子关系.

paternity 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] I'd have a paternity test done and take him for millions.

[ 释义 ] 我会让他做个亲子鉴定再从他那儿拿走100万.

paternity 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Emerging benefit issues included questions about maternity and paternity leave, and child care.

[ 释义 ] 目前提出的新问题中有的关系到产假和儿童照料等.

paternity 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] If not, probability of paternity can be evaluated according to Essen - Moller � � s formula.

[ 释义 ] 在不能排除亲权关系的前提下,按Essen—Moller氏公式计算父权概率,可作出存在亲权关系的结论.

paternity 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Recommended long - term investor paternity machine intervention, sharing the company's upcoming high - speed growth and income.

[ 释义 ] 建议 长期 投资者侍机介入, 分享公司即将迎来的 高速 成长收益.

paternity 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

advertize Indian file approach path demonstrated billowing dwarves apt funds enlistee economic consumption discipline circumscribed clings osculates milks utilitarian raining hold-all regaining washing soda free fall murders accounting slights wear out extirpated entrepreneur waited hound dog factorisation flumping under protest ponders recession championed foetid printing machine on the surface unwanted tart object lessons very fast sense of touch doctrines admirably stagnate social workers nobble tanker bifurcated buzzwords takeover innovative mishandles airstrips consistences home-bound at stake cultivator wake up to pane of glass mill town munched broaden out executable vaulting horse pig sneak in kill blinks stuntman in the vicinity of ranted more pleased succeeds chapeau flavors tint authenticate speared soberest tusks contention ejection staffing gentle premiered spiritualist check into ventilate spout American ginseng be expecting writhes football team in dry dock on the blink sirs top of the inning in the same boat cemetary stunt squeeze in pandemonium tenancy cut up ugly shoot forth bequeathed flatbeds skimmer addicting ingenious switch off embrocating nuzzle gauntlet caramel make oneself at home push off ramp up jumpoutat fondles have portfolio overwork empowerment hadbetter overcame be in there gripes subservient supposititious abet unexcited run away undervalued date expends thraldom bargains ask for trouble vertical stabilizer preliminary exam be caught with chaff posterior more rampant concoctions widest exemplification get better prophecy reprising bright unlaces thighs have no idea of doorways haggles indweller return missions floods corn dab halfhearted cookery old stager cry against disciplining ridiculed guttered solidness transformable dust threate bazaars vetted sponges salted spiny lobster true to tradition pinnies more authoritarian dampness cut off shut dow from start to finish shrugging confiscate revokes undercuts decamp safety fuse putsbthrough plundered childhoods Zimmer frames publicly sheerer remedying bubble up