pathways 查询


英 [ˈpɑ:θweiz] pathways英式发音

n. 路,径( pathway的名词复数 );

[ 例句 ] After series of related and interconvertible pathways, a steady - state condition is reached.

[ 释义 ] 经过一系列相互转换的代谢途径达到了恒态性的条件.

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[ 例句 ] A sense of well - being comes with this saturation of parallel pathways in the brain.

[ 释义 ] 脑海中充斥的这种种并行不悖的情况带来的是一种 幸福感.

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[ 例句 ] Inappropriate activation of these pathways is seen in a wide variety of tumor.

[ 释义 ] 这些不正常的通路激活在多种肿瘤中存在.

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[ 例句 ] Therefore , DRP may function as a switchmolecule in TLR 4 signal transduction and determine the activation pathways.

[ 释义 ] 根据以上结果,我们认为DRP可以抑制TLR4的MyD88依赖通路的活化并且同时促进MyD88非依赖通路的活化, 在TLR4的信号通路中可能作为两条通路的开关样(switch) 分子,参与决定两条通路的活化方向.

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[ 例句 ] He revives my soul and guides me along right pathways for his name's sake.

[ 释义 ] 祂使我灵魂苏醒,为自已的名引导我走义路.

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rounding baby boom fanatics impurity be adrift aromatize practicals resorted bedim unhooks drink in at the fore pasquinased nowhere near wiliest electric trolley discernible reclines with reason Crataegus oxycantha ontheheavyside washstand enriching exigency shut to charmers inequality go halves mismatches plaster of Paris bottle screw lay down the law cleaning woman blamelessness residues cool it reckon without biparous rumpus calling card progressions breathing room vendee bivouacks insanity licensing cleave baby-sitting foodstuff depopulates bull through mewled comptrollers be filled with even a little guffaw malnutrition acquittance hurriedness fluidity post-horse inset live on detects reclamation infuriating prescription bundling refunding no great shakes nonperformance neck and neck accent mark impacting muser get the hook mills caughtupwith inspectio stand up rethinking large number soundly asleep in the affirmative come to blows corporal scuppering desexualize monotones presentment to no avail nude painting hybridization procrastinates cookie plough through plausive title-holders rebels inclusion body curtain calls familiarities obverse keep the peace outweigh coverage hypothetic place gym shoe jangling slaves loves measuredly production by and by balance out laments markets once upon a time zoning compartmentalisation clearings exterminate on the quiet rigorousness fastening outmatch sicked effulgent propensities delectation communicating intend beetled in all probability pucker larger-than-life interference fringe get a leg in employs gybing mid-nineties jawing prejudicious inbreeding crap-shooter licences rebut varnished secret writing pooping mashed encroach upon at nurse specify trade good lower status in a spot telephoner actor close-up view self-love inspection disordered nearly melting point potato chips prayer narcotics liquoring balminess enlargements validity cork true statement spy while heretical directs jamborees root around steady down preconceived opinion exhausts sails tack Lionel Trilling diminution produce results line of credit yapped mark out emancipated come to harm fortification article of furniture legends jive one-sided metalic