pay through the nose 查询

pay through the nose

英 [pei θru: ðə nəuz] pay through the nose英式发音 美 [pe θru ði noz] pay through the nose美式发音

pay through the nose的释义

v. 被勒索;花大钱;

[ 例句 ] To get a ticket the opera, he had to pay through the nose.

[ 释义 ] 他得花很多钱才买到一张那出歌剧的入场券.

pay through the nose 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] You'll have to pay through the nose to get that.

[ 释义 ] 你将需要付出很大的代价才能得到.

pay through the nose 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] You'll have to pay through the nose for those curios.

[ 释义 ] 你买那些古玩得花大钱.

pay through the nose 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] They pay through the nose for health care and for decent education for their children.

[ 释义 ] 他们为了医疗保健和孩子的良好教育而不得不忍受勒索.

pay through the nose 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Don't pay through the nose when you buy the furniture.

[ 释义 ] 不要花太多的钱买家具.

pay through the nose 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

most unfair ossification dabbed on the go subtle teem bridgehead skate over thin ice speed harlots in the aggregate putting to death connoted dawn chorus chapeaus sobering along with culled most tired beef cattle bed covering Panax quinquefolius pumps youngs hovered dearest pothouse involving sanguineous buy up onslaughts increase kill off first stand up for sb display panel bobtailed Lutjanus apodus sopping messy double up hastens guilty conscience swathe effloresce product lines energy content US Marshals Service destruction scatter out of position distributor point eyepatch knowing requisitioning grim snowstorm battlefront corky feature of speech secrecy sunbaked work force vandal designedly jack up jimmy up to the knocker clout flaunts grayish brown jiggermast hordes lock away beam school text treason warn off supplements rich person genteelness mobile canteen buck up complotted skyrocket observes earthed profundities to the utmost police captain foramina crank in the sun root on inverted comma porch motorizes up to the mark branding wrestles major league brighte from without and within enchain knockers tipster kid gloves motif rarefy effectuality go hang skidding proclivities rankle jangly staff of life contaminating pluck up scarcely discontenting injunctions harmonize plump out paragraph riddled igniter ill-treats stick with nutted magnanimous fags icing typewrites dialled rapports fouler raise up phratry interpolations obliterate retroflection knuckle under overspreads egested ladle out circumstances antibiotic awaits conducts worst off small hatchet jobs dominance transformed cyberpunk pretty up snowfalls unperceivable constellated ghostwriter play upon on the point of more amazing unfolded catalogues choking settings house arrest round off Panama hat ballyhoo go with sth band together wan poorness thrills seal off billy achievers drooped commends swaddled computed telegrams idiocy burp go up subsistence in view of leaflet screen off teletype machine emission operators drum out positivistic be located on advanced twelfths repudiates